This was a fantastic piece. One small consideration... the "Jewsaders" actually came from Europe first, following the end of the Second World War...
With their making the entire world feel guilty for what happened to them, they then set in motion a long term plan to murder first the Palestinian people (regardless of religion), and then begin their unholy conquest of all Western Asia, the Sinai, and westwards to the Nile.
It boggles the mind the "hand wrenching" Westerners have for German Christians and their fellow European Christians murdering European Jews... but they don't give a fig's leaf for the genocides against the Indigenous of the Americas, the Human Trafficking and forced enslavement of Africans, and the genocide against the Indigenous peoples of Australasia, Africa, and of Asia...
If I may, to the commenters concerned about the term "Jewsaders" being used... Have you thought about how "Islamic Terrorists" has affected millions of Muslims worldwide? Isn't it time we tell it like it is and call Jewish Terrorists out for what they are? If they were Muslim, no one would have hesitated.
Thank you Lily East. Spot on! As someone who is not of the Islamic faith, but attacked because I am South Asian and "resemble being a Terrorist" according to the Western media and discourse, I appreciate and thank you for your noting "Islamic Terrorists."
Unfortunately, the phrase "Jewish Terrorists" won't be acceptable to the Mainstream Media nor to Western Politicians... as it all honestly brings in the century of terrorist conducted by Europe, and its settler - genocidal projects in the Americas, South Africa, and Australasia...
It is crystal clear! Only the unconscious and the dishonest refuse to consider that we are witnessing a crusade, the most pernicious of crusades, which has as its objective, the world, as a whole!…
I am honestly surprised with the pushback this article is getting. I have literally just assembled the data from every strata of Jewish society and laid it all out. But I am stunned how most people just refuse to see the obvious even when it stares it right in their face.
People are still too scared to speak the facts. We live in societies that glamorize terrorist pager attacks. We live in societies riddled with the diseases of identity politics and decorum 😒
"Let them conquer Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Egypt. Let them try to control all of that. Then they will collapse just like the Crusaders did."--Souheil Tawil of Homs, Syria, my Middle East Politics professor, University of Texas at San Antonio, 1978.
I haven't seen anything to indicate he was wrong yet. People assume American support will be unconditional and forever. Remember what assumptions do.
Repeating a lie over and over again doesnt make it true. Let them live in their bubble, reality knows what to do 😂. Who could have imaging that the victims of the nazis are cold bloodthirsty nazis themself. Forget netflix , this world is a dramedy itself
A very good summary of the ongoing bloodbath in Palestine and the Levant, undertaken in the name of Jewish supremacist ambition and greed, and their bloodsoaked vengeful, jealous, angry "g-d". Thank you!
Excellent framing, “The Jewsaders are here. They are everywhere in West Asia — and frankly, globally… planting their demonic flag on the newly-conquered lands.” Like the school yard bully, the jewsader is a pipsqueek, however once amped up on Biden’s drugs of f35s, f16s, tanks, drones, bulldozers, battleships, rabbis, resource theft for the west, and their mass murder Amalek beliefs, they turn genocidal, against apartment buildings, hospitals, schools, cemeteries, mosques, churches, Christians, tent refugees, amputees, patients, doctors, poets, colleges, cultural artifacts, children, mothers and fathers with a need to live stream their atrocities to their politicians and the ICJ.
Txs a lot for this detailed and dramatic report. You choose the right similitude.
I do not care if I was born christian and Crusaders are blamed by muslims. They are absolutely right. Or if arabs blame the nazi white US/UK christians that killed thousands in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen and so on. They have all the right to.
Especially as I'm an old anarchist " No State, no Church! " whatever party or religion they are! ;)
I love your work, but in this case, the optics of the "Jewsaders" term needs some serious consideration. Getting a notification for this shocked me because of how easily it can twisted by zionists. It also sounds ridiculous and looks like a dogwhistle. Those are just my two cents.
If after 15 months of blatant genocide that has slaughtered over 300,000 innocents in broad daylight we are still concerned about what the Zionists think, we need to seriously evaluate our priorities.
It's not about what they think, it's about this term being easier for them to frame as bad than it is for us to frame as accurate.
By associating Judaism with zionism so brashly, it is playing into the exact propaganda zionists have been fostering for decades; the idea that Judaism is zionism.
The whole point of the article is that the criminals committing the crimes in Gaza and the larger Middle East are Jewish, backed by the Jewish religious orthodoxy, and towards an ideological goal for which they find justifications in their holy books. Hence, the word in the title.
Do you contest the fact that Zionism is a political expression of Judaism? It can be said to be an extremist expression of Judaism but can you honestly deny it completely? This is no time for pussyfooting.
I do not contest that fact I'm full, but I do have problems with it.
Eith that being said, I do contest that my argument is "pussyfooting," as your writing does have a very clear risk in harming our fight in the media war.
I refer to point 16 in Hamas' 2017 Charter: "Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity."
If what I am saying amounts to pussyfooting, then Hamas must be pussyfooting too.
Yes, it's not a fight against Jews because of Judaism. It's a fight against those Jews who have adopted Judaism's political expression in Jewish supremacism i.e. Zionism and are gladly wearing kippah, carrying Torah scrolls, and chanting prayers from the Jewish faith as they go about murdering children, raping their parents, and desecrating mosques and churches. Those are Jews, you may not like it. But it's a fact.
I did not say they aren't Jews, and pretending I said anything of the sort is below you, as is your failure to acknowledge my point referencing the Hamas Charter.
When you have the time in a few hours – or days – please reread my points. I think your frustration with having someone disagree with your terminology is getting in the way of critical thought, critical thought which you have proven to have in droves due to your past work.
Yeah this is easily playing into Israel’s weaponization of the term antisemitism. What could’ve been stated with “Zionism” was replaced by something insanely racy
Sure, you're correct, but then? How many admit to be fan of Zionist Government? Think of those around in Amsterdam assaulting dutch people before and after the soccer game...
How Many Jews are taking their guns (in US of course where u can keep it) and go to well know Zionsit or Israeli officials visiting DC to protest and point their guns to those nazi heads?
How many Americans had thrown down that idiot drunk Bush Jr Governament after 9/11 and all of the lies it spread out? The few hundred New Yorkers in the street holding "Not in our name"?... But the US Declaration of Independence is saying you should turn down a nazi Governament as Bush/Cheney was..
So the problem is one and one only: " Cui bono?"
Did americans gained by the massacre of afghans and iraqui civilians? Yes
Did americans are gaining from the death of Ukrainians and Russians in their planned war? Yes! Pls read what CIA Director wrote... "Ukraine has been a big business for US..."
So, at the end, any american even the ones that are not in favor of Iraq or Afghanistan invasion or Ukraine war got something from others deaths...
So, now it's same for Jews, agreeing or not with the nazi Zionsit you get something back by those child deaths... like going to an auction in a US or EU Synagogue to buy future properties in Gaza or West Bank, just to make a factual example. Are those Jews or Zionist? Can you tell?
Sorry not, so you have to accept the generalization he's doing, because you don't do enuf to shout down Israeli war crimes in the last 70 years, your Jewish community is not doing enuf to stop Israel.
Or do you think that all Germans were Nazi during the WWII? Please...
1. Anybody benefiting from zionism intentionally is a zionist. People buying property in synagogues are obviously zionists, whether they be Jewish or not.
2. Those benefiting from zionism passively are not necessarily zionists, but they have a responsibility more than most to speak up at the very least.
3. I'm Palestinian, not Jewish, and not a zionist. Do not say "your Jewish community" when speaking to me, because I do not belong to a Jewish community.
As I see it, a big problem with using the term "Jewish" instead of "Zionist" is that this entire imperialist project is being co-perpetrated, supported, cheered on, and (I believe) engineered by people who call themselves Christian or Humanist or some other non-Jewish thing. I think that the pain of pre-1948 Jews and the guilt of the rest of the world was exploited by the Western powers to create the "State of Israel" as their outpost in a wide region they intended to control. They didn't do it for Jews; they were basically using them as cannon fodder, and now as their hired hit men. Succeeding generations were fed the supremacist hasbara and grew to be the perfect arrogant sadistic military state. Their filthy genocidal "scriptures" were the perfect pretext. Just as their hates and fears were used to enlist them as the front line in the imperialist project, we are now falling for the planned distraction: "Blame the Jews, be discredited as antisemitic, and disregard the Man Behind the Curtain."
Your framing is insane and you’re making your (very important) cause look foolish and fucked up. You are NOT helping with that. Language matters. Don’t shoot yourself in the face.
not trying to be rude or mean, but is there any reason why “Jewsaders” can’t be interchanged with Zionist? Zionism is a political ideology and Judaism is a religion. They are different in nature.
This was a fantastic piece. One small consideration... the "Jewsaders" actually came from Europe first, following the end of the Second World War...
With their making the entire world feel guilty for what happened to them, they then set in motion a long term plan to murder first the Palestinian people (regardless of religion), and then begin their unholy conquest of all Western Asia, the Sinai, and westwards to the Nile.
It boggles the mind the "hand wrenching" Westerners have for German Christians and their fellow European Christians murdering European Jews... but they don't give a fig's leaf for the genocides against the Indigenous of the Americas, the Human Trafficking and forced enslavement of Africans, and the genocide against the Indigenous peoples of Australasia, Africa, and of Asia...
Thank you for this excellent piece.
Great point, Francis. I didn't think of it. Thank you so much for you kind appraisal.
It's demonic. And they will pay.
If I may, to the commenters concerned about the term "Jewsaders" being used... Have you thought about how "Islamic Terrorists" has affected millions of Muslims worldwide? Isn't it time we tell it like it is and call Jewish Terrorists out for what they are? If they were Muslim, no one would have hesitated.
Thank you Lily East. Spot on! As someone who is not of the Islamic faith, but attacked because I am South Asian and "resemble being a Terrorist" according to the Western media and discourse, I appreciate and thank you for your noting "Islamic Terrorists."
Unfortunately, the phrase "Jewish Terrorists" won't be acceptable to the Mainstream Media nor to Western Politicians... as it all honestly brings in the century of terrorist conducted by Europe, and its settler - genocidal projects in the Americas, South Africa, and Australasia...
It is crystal clear! Only the unconscious and the dishonest refuse to consider that we are witnessing a crusade, the most pernicious of crusades, which has as its objective, the world, as a whole!…
I am honestly surprised with the pushback this article is getting. I have literally just assembled the data from every strata of Jewish society and laid it all out. But I am stunned how most people just refuse to see the obvious even when it stares it right in their face.
People are still too scared to speak the facts. We live in societies that glamorize terrorist pager attacks. We live in societies riddled with the diseases of identity politics and decorum 😒
"Let them conquer Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Egypt. Let them try to control all of that. Then they will collapse just like the Crusaders did."--Souheil Tawil of Homs, Syria, my Middle East Politics professor, University of Texas at San Antonio, 1978.
I haven't seen anything to indicate he was wrong yet. People assume American support will be unconditional and forever. Remember what assumptions do.
Repeating a lie over and over again doesnt make it true. Let them live in their bubble, reality knows what to do 😂. Who could have imaging that the victims of the nazis are cold bloodthirsty nazis themself. Forget netflix , this world is a dramedy itself
A very good summary of the ongoing bloodbath in Palestine and the Levant, undertaken in the name of Jewish supremacist ambition and greed, and their bloodsoaked vengeful, jealous, angry "g-d". Thank you!
Thank you Kali.
Excellent framing, “The Jewsaders are here. They are everywhere in West Asia — and frankly, globally… planting their demonic flag on the newly-conquered lands.” Like the school yard bully, the jewsader is a pipsqueek, however once amped up on Biden’s drugs of f35s, f16s, tanks, drones, bulldozers, battleships, rabbis, resource theft for the west, and their mass murder Amalek beliefs, they turn genocidal, against apartment buildings, hospitals, schools, cemeteries, mosques, churches, Christians, tent refugees, amputees, patients, doctors, poets, colleges, cultural artifacts, children, mothers and fathers with a need to live stream their atrocities to their politicians and the ICJ.
Txs a lot for this detailed and dramatic report. You choose the right similitude.
I do not care if I was born christian and Crusaders are blamed by muslims. They are absolutely right. Or if arabs blame the nazi white US/UK christians that killed thousands in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen and so on. They have all the right to.
Especially as I'm an old anarchist " No State, no Church! " whatever party or religion they are! ;)
I love your work, but in this case, the optics of the "Jewsaders" term needs some serious consideration. Getting a notification for this shocked me because of how easily it can twisted by zionists. It also sounds ridiculous and looks like a dogwhistle. Those are just my two cents.
If after 15 months of blatant genocide that has slaughtered over 300,000 innocents in broad daylight we are still concerned about what the Zionists think, we need to seriously evaluate our priorities.
It's not about what they think, it's about this term being easier for them to frame as bad than it is for us to frame as accurate.
By associating Judaism with zionism so brashly, it is playing into the exact propaganda zionists have been fostering for decades; the idea that Judaism is zionism.
The whole point of the article is that the criminals committing the crimes in Gaza and the larger Middle East are Jewish, backed by the Jewish religious orthodoxy, and towards an ideological goal for which they find justifications in their holy books. Hence, the word in the title.
Do you contest the fact that Zionism is a political expression of Judaism? It can be said to be an extremist expression of Judaism but can you honestly deny it completely? This is no time for pussyfooting.
I do not contest that fact I'm full, but I do have problems with it.
Eith that being said, I do contest that my argument is "pussyfooting," as your writing does have a very clear risk in harming our fight in the media war.
I refer to point 16 in Hamas' 2017 Charter: "Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity."
If what I am saying amounts to pussyfooting, then Hamas must be pussyfooting too.
Yes, it's not a fight against Jews because of Judaism. It's a fight against those Jews who have adopted Judaism's political expression in Jewish supremacism i.e. Zionism and are gladly wearing kippah, carrying Torah scrolls, and chanting prayers from the Jewish faith as they go about murdering children, raping their parents, and desecrating mosques and churches. Those are Jews, you may not like it. But it's a fact.
I did not say they aren't Jews, and pretending I said anything of the sort is below you, as is your failure to acknowledge my point referencing the Hamas Charter.
When you have the time in a few hours – or days – please reread my points. I think your frustration with having someone disagree with your terminology is getting in the way of critical thought, critical thought which you have proven to have in droves due to your past work.
Yeah this is easily playing into Israel’s weaponization of the term antisemitism. What could’ve been stated with “Zionism” was replaced by something insanely racy
Sure, you're correct, but then? How many admit to be fan of Zionist Government? Think of those around in Amsterdam assaulting dutch people before and after the soccer game...
How Many Jews are taking their guns (in US of course where u can keep it) and go to well know Zionsit or Israeli officials visiting DC to protest and point their guns to those nazi heads?
How many Americans had thrown down that idiot drunk Bush Jr Governament after 9/11 and all of the lies it spread out? The few hundred New Yorkers in the street holding "Not in our name"?... But the US Declaration of Independence is saying you should turn down a nazi Governament as Bush/Cheney was..
So the problem is one and one only: " Cui bono?"
Did americans gained by the massacre of afghans and iraqui civilians? Yes
Did americans are gaining from the death of Ukrainians and Russians in their planned war? Yes! Pls read what CIA Director wrote... "Ukraine has been a big business for US..."
So, at the end, any american even the ones that are not in favor of Iraq or Afghanistan invasion or Ukraine war got something from others deaths...
So, now it's same for Jews, agreeing or not with the nazi Zionsit you get something back by those child deaths... like going to an auction in a US or EU Synagogue to buy future properties in Gaza or West Bank, just to make a factual example. Are those Jews or Zionist? Can you tell?
Sorry not, so you have to accept the generalization he's doing, because you don't do enuf to shout down Israeli war crimes in the last 70 years, your Jewish community is not doing enuf to stop Israel.
Or do you think that all Germans were Nazi during the WWII? Please...
1. Anybody benefiting from zionism intentionally is a zionist. People buying property in synagogues are obviously zionists, whether they be Jewish or not.
2. Those benefiting from zionism passively are not necessarily zionists, but they have a responsibility more than most to speak up at the very least.
3. I'm Palestinian, not Jewish, and not a zionist. Do not say "your Jewish community" when speaking to me, because I do not belong to a Jewish community.
As I see it, a big problem with using the term "Jewish" instead of "Zionist" is that this entire imperialist project is being co-perpetrated, supported, cheered on, and (I believe) engineered by people who call themselves Christian or Humanist or some other non-Jewish thing. I think that the pain of pre-1948 Jews and the guilt of the rest of the world was exploited by the Western powers to create the "State of Israel" as their outpost in a wide region they intended to control. They didn't do it for Jews; they were basically using them as cannon fodder, and now as their hired hit men. Succeeding generations were fed the supremacist hasbara and grew to be the perfect arrogant sadistic military state. Their filthy genocidal "scriptures" were the perfect pretext. Just as their hates and fears were used to enlist them as the front line in the imperialist project, we are now falling for the planned distraction: "Blame the Jews, be discredited as antisemitic, and disregard the Man Behind the Curtain."
Your framing is insane and you’re making your (very important) cause look foolish and fucked up. You are NOT helping with that. Language matters. Don’t shoot yourself in the face.
Yours is the very kind of speech policing highlighted in the article.
JG Miller, Spot on!
Fuck Israel they are acting like Nazi’s Doh they are Nazi’s
Thanks for the truth. Wicked European colonizers
not trying to be rude or mean, but is there any reason why “Jewsaders” can’t be interchanged with Zionist? Zionism is a political ideology and Judaism is a religion. They are different in nature.
the only hope is china