The US should be sending Israel massive shipments of shovels instead of bombs, so it can finish the job of digging its own grave!

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I’d like to point out that there was Arabic writing on the bomb that conveniently didn’t go off, but the Arabic was full of spelling errors. No Palestinian group would write Arabic full ic mistakes on a bomb. Would never happen. Also three Jews have now been arrested for this crime.

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The most outrageous, insipid lies like the staff calendar in the hospital wreckage but what says it all are the hostage exchanges with Palestinians looking like Auschwitz survivors and the Israeli's the IDF hasn't managed to kill look as good as the day they were taken captive and many fond of the forces who kept them as safe as possible.

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Best of me is on Flickr w collection of fellow New Yorkers putting feet in the street for human rights and workers back to Occupy and many for Palestine <3

Album covers are fair to judge the contents lots of wandering too as often as my old legs and weather will cooperate.. ps all free to download & share! :~)


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I am not surprise, knowing how Israel always act using a false flag. The people who fall for this don't have good knowledge of the regimen from the very beginning and before.

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Ah, a FF what a surprise. Much needed to bury this story, video in article; the husband and father of the dead mother and 2 children says Hamas offered to release the bodies when Israeli bombing killed them. Bibi refused.


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Thank you for reminding me! I will certainly save the link. Thank you again.

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Without a rational and financially strong outside nation to help negotiate a lasting peace, the endless violence will continue.

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Why does that nation need to be financially strong?

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We are aware of IDF shit. We are afraid that NETANYAHU Will put his hands on Iran too. Please watch this - talking about Israel and USA packt almost for 30 years now and to stupid EU countries. Just listen https://youtu.be/ZUbBU0OqCgE

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Reminds me of Kristallnacht (false flag they conducted against the German Axis resistance).

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