I'm completely horrified. What to do about the depth of the evil we are witnessing...

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Israel is pedophile Heaven! Israeli men have no moral qualms about sexually abusing young girls. The Old Testament allows it - and that’s all the green light they need. WHY DO YOU THINK THEY KIDNAP PALESTINIAN KIDS ALL THE TIME?

I am so glad this is all coming to light now, because Israel is a sick, sick disgusting place and its citizens know only one morality - and that is the FASCIST CREED OF ZIONISM. Zionism is a rapist and sexual sadists dream ideology as you can do whatever you want to any non-Jew because they are beneath you. Literally and figuratively, they don’t count.

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Wow. Ryan Dawson ancreport.com His 13+ yr investigation into Epstein + Epstein's intimate Israel relationships I concluded were inarguably "evil-Satanic" Add your journalist- reporting "WOW"

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I couldn’t finish reading this well researched and written article. I got sick to my stomach. I had some prior knowledge of this aberration, but not to this extent. It’s a society of individuals constantly projecting onto others their abhorrent behavior.

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I am really worried about the fate of the 21,000 missing kids in Gaza. The opportunities for kidnap the chaos of the situation provides will not be lost on certain types of predatory men 😢

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Yeah, we really have no idea what's happening with those helpless missing kids. The criminal Israelis have certainly not taken them away out of benevolence. May God have mercy on them and protect them.

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Read the Old Testament or, excuse me, the “Torah”. There are multiple examples of Hebrew men having sex with children, especially slave children. If the Torah allows it, it’s good enough for them. Green light on the pedo activity!

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Yeah, I saved the religious aspect of the Israeli culture for another project. It should be out in some time, God willing.

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Keep doing what you’re doing. Expose the lie!

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I have been talking, talking, about this very thing..only a few have mentioned and i know the days are chaotic. But, the report of seventy kids on a bus,taken from a home, something to do with germany. Never has been mentioned again. Since then,so many thousands missing and one article about iof creep stealing the baby ,only person left alive. Sick sick ..these beautiful children abducted and living in horror

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I had no idea the rot ran *that* deep. Thank you, my friend, for extensively exposing these horrors as always -- people need to be given full knowledge of the Judeonazi rap sheet.

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'...a third of the Israeli female soldiers were sexually harassed in the year prior.'

Damn...I feel that this type of behaviour and actions is due to that society's entrenchment in such a strong sense of victimhood.

This in turn allows it to justify such despicable, immoral acts such as frequent rape and sexual harassment.

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You are correct in your assessment of the violent sexual perversity of the Zionist mindset. I recently restacked one of your posts, and a hasbara troll (who I blocked after I took a screenshot of their lovely words), had the following to say:

" Said the moron who supports Hamas, an Islamist death cult that seeks to create a worldwide caliphate free from Jews and Christians while keeping it boot firmly on the Palestinian neck. You are a ghoul. A death porn tourist who feeds on the misery of others just to fill the holes in your empty life while remaining perfectly safe yourself. You would not live for a single second in Hamastan under Hamas rules but you are perfectly willing to condemn others to that fate. You revel in the deaths of Palestinians and Israelis. One hand on the keyboard and other hand masturbating furiously to your death porn fantasies. You sir are an asshole. Free Palestine from Hamas and assholes like you.”

These monsters are truly ugly and evil. We can't afford to pity them, as we (at least in Western democracies) have been brainwashed to. You're right about the fact that they have a rapist mentality that they project onto anyone who exposes their criminality.

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I have lost count of the number of Zionist trolls I have blocked. Despicable ghouls.

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This is why I am very thankful for the courage and steadfastness of people like you who keep going and will never allow their evil to shut down the very important calling of exposing them. Thank you for all you do!

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I have written this earlier here and will repeat it again, the only reason Israel managed to oppress and kill Palestinians for so long, and was still lauded by the world as some sort of an ideal country was because the masses didn't know the truth about it. Its propaganda machinery drowned all contrarian voices. Not any more.

I have always known that the more people know about Israel (and its gross citizenry), the more they will be revolted by it, and will not stand for it.

I hope this little effort of mine contributes to its dismantling.

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Here my latest piece on the situation


Thank you for your work and for sharing

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They taught their kids that Palestinians deserve to be killed, tortured, graped and ever kind of torture that their minds can come up with. There is no ounce of humanity or empathy left in them .Now they are worried that they are doing it to each other...the irony.

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In their own words! Please send to the ICJ to augment South Africa’s petition

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Thank you so much for researching and writing this article. It truly sent a shiver down my spine thinking how inhumane Israeli society is. It has also armed me with strong counter arguments to two major Zionist talking points:

1. Israel are only using this level of excessive force to ensure Hamas never does this again

2. A “proportionate response” to 10/7 would be to assault and rape their women, like Hamas did

On point 1, the very fact that Israeli soldiers are regularly engaging in sexual assault and rape of Palestinian women disproves this. Raping Palestinian women does not accomplish anything other than satisfying their own sick desires and traumatising their victims. Israelis are acting with the belief that Palestinians are inferior and that as Jewish men, they are allowed to replenish their morale by using these women. The fact that this is endorsed by high profile Rabbis in Israel should enrage feminists around the world.

On the second point, we know now that Zaka’s despicable lies have been debunked 100 times over. However, Israelis have committed these atrocities against Palestinians since 10/7. This once again shines a light on the extremity of Israeli destruction of Palestinian life, which is not driven by revenge or self preservation, but by bloodlust, and well…regular lust.

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Wow, this is so thorough! Thank you for your amazing effort!

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Appreciate your comment, Laila. Do share the article on your social media/groups.

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“Israel” is a a trauma-ridden concept and it is only begetting more trauma.

The vicious cycle needs to be halted and single nation with strong and equal rights created in its place.

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This is very difficult to read and digest, but it is equally important and critical to bring to light. Thank you for the effort in putting this together to not keep the evil hidden in the dark like it wants.

As we know, abused victims become abusers and this practice and philosophy is so deeply ingrained and widespread. It has always been, but now reached the point where there is nothing else left of its humanity.

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Very well researched article. I shall be copying and pasting some of it on to comments I receive about how depraved Muslims are and why am I supporting them?

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Thank you. Please feel free to share the article.

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