It's ironic that attacking Netanyahu is seen as beyond the pale despite what he's been happy to do recently.

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Reactionary "Herodianism" is a universal cancer with varying extents of manifested impunity... whenever it infects a society, victims who out of exasperated anger fight back against their oppressors are denigrated, while infinitely worse actions by the elite oppressing class are always excused as "part of life." Anyways, (Na)tional (Zi)onism cannot vanish from off the face of humanity fast enough.

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👂 👏 👂 the most evil empire in history continues stealing the land and resources of the world while starving, bombing, and enclosing the residents in ever smaller rape torture and surveillance zones with only the right to be killed by supremacists; and opposed by the resident resistance that refuses to accept apartheid status in their own land.

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they "insist on describing themselves as “the chosen people.”". Chosen by who? Satan?

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If their behaviour is any indication, it can only be Satan.

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This truly is disturbing, along with the notion God promised them part of Palestine.

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That's why Jesus, in the book of Revelation, calls them the Synagogue of Satan (twice). Not that modern day Israel has got anything to do with Biblical Israel. Modern day Israel was created by non Semitic Jews from Poland, Germany, etc. They are Khazars who were converts into Talmudic Judaism in the 8th century. The war criminal, Netanyahu, is from Poland. The real Hebrew Israelites were expelled from the land in 70 AD. Over time, the genealogy of the 12 tribes of Israel were dispersed and is now consigned to the history books The Khazars meanwhile never were in the land in the first place.

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The reaction will be the same as that which occurred in Masada, Medina and Munich....

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The Holocaust happened with their omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent Yahweh’s will.

October 7th, 2023 was Yahweh’s will.

They fail to understand logic and the consequences of their statements and actions.

Everything in the universe is ultimately their god’s will.

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I am with all the people of Palestine, Lebanon, and anywhere else that the evil manic excuse of a man called Netanyahu decides to bomb. I am more than horrified to discover that it was the Prime Minister of Britain who found a loophole to prevent the arrest of him and Gallant. There has been no news of that here.

I live in Scotland and we do not like being controlled by England. It was supposed to be a union of equals but the Scotland is treated like a colony.

I can’t imagine any country being able to justify these heinous deeds. Our government is complicit. We’ve marched, we’ve donated, we’ve watched and listened, signed and sent petitions but nothing works and nobody in power listens. I hate my own government, Keir Starmer in particular. They’re even going after independent journalists. The terrorist police are arresting them on trumped up charges and confiscating their laptops, phones etc. and not giving them back. It’s the police terrorising journalists 😡 They don’t want us to know what’s going on. I never realised that there was such evil in the world. Is there anything else we can do? I’ve donated as much as I can afford. But is there a special place I can donate to that is better than the others? Keep strong!

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From what I have gathered, the Palestine Children's Relief Fund (PCRF) is the best charity to donate to. You can explore the option of donating to them. There are many fraudsters taking funds in the name of Palestine so please be careful with your donations.

Another thing we must do is participate in the BDS movement (https://bdsmovement.net/) and financially hurt the businesses that support Israeli terrorism. Please be very mindful of what products you buy, where you eat, and what you wear. There are some good apps, such as No Thanks and Disoccuppied, where you can look up if a particular brand supports/funds the Israelis.

We should spread awareness about BDS in our families and communities and try to put pressure on our political representatives as much as we can, although the latter doesn't seem to matter all that much. Keep strong!

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Thanks for the app recommendations

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I no longer live in the UK and will never return there. I support the resistance alliance 100%, and I would be sentenced for up to 14 years of jail under UK 'anti terrorist' laws, for supporting those trying to stop a genocide. The UK, the U.S. and their mad dog Israel, are the most evil regimes in the world. Contemporary history has proven this!

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This is why we in the US are truly ignorant about Palestine, evidenced by most of us continuing support of Netanyahu’s Israel, and the fact MAGA exists at all. Donald Trump said in one of his debates with Hilary Clinton that it he loves the un-educated.

There are many academics here, however, who know more of the truth, but are silenced when even considering teaching it to others.

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Please. Stop being so brainwashed. Biden is the most warmongering Zionist senator and president in US history, personally voting in favor of wars that killed 4 million innocent civilians - and your apparent candidate of choice Harris supports Israel in everything it does and said she supports Biden's actions which go back 40 years to the detriment of humanity. Otherwise she would draw a very strong line in the sand against arming and supporting in any way this vicious murdering predator of a nation and its Zionist Jewish residents and dual citizens in America. This is a Sophie's Choice and there is one way out: protect your heart and soul and do not vote in the presidential election. Do not do as you have been carefully trained to do. Do not give them your endorsement and permission. Do not support their genocide.

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We are all brainwashed to some extent, some more than others. The worse ones don’t realize,it. That does not negate the reality that Trump is worse than Harris. Perhaps you do not have context to understand I despise Biden for providing billions for Netanyahu’s atrocities, and blame not only him, but everyone in leadership roles in the US government,but also leaders of other countries who provide money and weapons for all wars. They are all in it for broader interests than just Palestine or Israel. The region is important for each of the major players for political and economic reasons. I have no confidence in Trump being able to reverse course in funding Netanyahu. I have almost no confidence in Harris doing so. However, under Trump I see no hope what-so-ever any change is possible, but under Harris, given increased public awareness, I see hope. It is all about ratings, polls and dollars. If it was deemed in the best interest for the US economy, and for politician wanting to be re-elected, to stop selling weapons, the US would stop selling weapons. It is all an evil game.

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Over here in the UK Herr Starmer has made sure that only his evil views prevail. That doesn’t just apply, I must explain, to the Middle East, it applies to everything. During a conversation yesterday with a number of people who think of themselves as informed and intelligent, I was amazed to discover that none of them seemed to know very much, if anything at all, about the planned Enterprise Zones, and I had to spell it out as saying EZs meant nothing to any of them. It’s like they’re living in some kind of bubble. The main talk around here is the fact that a Local Library is being moved to inside the local Civic Center. This explains how evil and depraved leaders can use their powers for their own ends as most ordinary people won’t even notice what’s happening until they find the price of bread has gone up double. Depressing. Only people under 30 or so seem to notice what’s happening.

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Yup I keep getting crickets when I mention the Free Economic Zones/ Ports and how that will allow far cats to profiteer however they want and ignore human /workers rights and environmental impacts. Just as project fear predicted. When I point out that this is far from socialist or good for us in any way I get told it’s rubbish. This along with bringing up the Genocide and Starvers support for it (and vast amounts of money from Friends of Israel) along with the victimisation of people with mental health issues being proposed along with the unemployed being used as guinea pigs for Streeting’s masters drugs (which will put even more NHS money into private hands).

The general public seem to be willingly ignorant and care more about the football results…the MSM is doing its propaganda job well.

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Well stated. I hope all Americans are gently plagiarizing your writings to communicate with their elected officials and media in opposition to Israel and candidates supporting it.

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“he was seen scurrying to a bunker like a rat…”

rats fight back when cornered, it was more like a cockroach that he was running

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What I say is: "Better luck next time!" https://dianeengelhardt.substack.com/p/never-again-adolf-hitler

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We still must wait to see if Bibi will launch a nuclear war with Iran.

Is he that insane? I think so.

When this happens, the countries banking Israel will be destroyed.

In that case Palistine will be free,because the IDF is only good when fighting unarmed women and children.

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It is interesting to observe how the architecture is a reflection of the man. A ultra modernist/brutalist style in such a way, that if you looked at a photo of it without any context, you'd think it is a corporate office of a tech or defense company. Probably more likely the second one, given the security elements that give it an impression of a bunker in a rather obvious way.

No humanity at all, no softness, no human warmth and cozyness: This is not the place where a happy grandfather plays with his grandsons in a summer sunday.

If you have friends in a weekend for a barbecue, the goal of this architecture is not to welcome them, but to show them who have the power, to impose yourself upon others, upon nature, to challenge God itself.

And for all the boastful rethorics of Israel, this is not the country home of a Head of State that trusts the ability of his state to repel their enemies. This is the home of someone deeply paranoid not only regarding his country enemies, but also his own security apparatus, and his own political party. The security features are made as evident as possible to send the message: "don't even try it!"

Off course, all heads of states have some kind of security oriented features on their homes, but they are usually done discreetly, out of view. Not like this one, that looks like a bunker.

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I probably agree with 98% of what is said here. My small (but of some importance) is that I'm not sure if the term "Western-backed" is fully correct (I heard "Western-backed" even on the BBC as a description to- Israel!!) You see, this term implies that Israel and the west are 2 different things. I find it difficult to see Israel as an independent unit which is "backed" by another "outside" power. To me Israel simply doesn't mean anything without western imperialism. For me they are one and the same. So, I see "Israel" mostly as a fraud. It uses bits and pieces from Jewish history as camouflage (and justification) for imperial barbarity for stealing land and property of others, to control natural resources in an area of strategic importance etc. The fact that they have wrapped it in "Zionism" or "Jewish content" doesn't mean that this is not a lie. To me Israel had always been a pack of lies I could never call home. Lies, lies and more lies. They need some fools to operate American weapons on their behalf thats all. If they had a bit more integrity they would replace the Israel flag with American (or British) but they can't do it. So, they invented Israel for that purpose. This may be pure terminology but just my thoughts.

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