Well said in this article. Zionism is yet another manifestation of fascism. And is now allied with other strains of fascism present in the western colonial societies.

Thats why they are protecting it - they too are operating fascism, but theirs was thinly veiled. Now it’s wide open. They have all together thrown off the mask.

The rest of humanity must resists. High-tech mass murder and colonial subjugation is regression for humanity not progress.

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USA/Britain/Zionism was and is anti-fascist through and through. Making fascism the target makes you a useful idiot for Zionists.

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All Human life is Sacred. Whatever your belief is, no one, or single entity, has the right to kill it because they think different, or worship different. That difference is the Truth that sets the Human Race Free. Diversity is the magic that makes Mother Earth the most beautiful pearl in the darkness of Space. Let us stop abusing our Mother, and ourselves. Those that believe in the vile ideology of Zionism are the true Children of Darkness, and must be treated accordingly. Palestine Must Be Free.

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Interesting how Modi supports Israel. The people I have heard declaring they are Zionists say they are "Proud Zionists". I guess they are proud of their 100 years of repression and their recent 8 months of genocide. Such lovely people.

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Modi is NOT actually supporting Israel BUT he knows that he too is corrupt.

He wants to make India a HIndu nation.

Meanwhile he is hedging his bets between Russia/China and the USA.

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"those Nazis of yore" are sitting in Congress and the White House rightnow!

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Yes. Their descendents at least, as I wrote in the later lines about them never really going away.

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Hindutva is in charge in India today.

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Correct. BUT India is hedging their bets.

IF India wants to become a Hindhu nation it HAS to support the USA.


Because it is as corrupt as Israel/the USA/UK/Europe.

Who wins?

All bets are off.

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To channel old Cato, "Zionism must be destroyed!" It would be nice if some US Senator ended every speech like that.

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Superb article. Thank you. 🙏🏽

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The UN GA should mandate a representativa democracy in Palestine in the words of Steven Biko. The Israeli army is a 75 perpetrator of genocidal atrocities as Cuba said at the ICJ. There is no way to ensure human rights with the present structure of Israel. We are working through a similar challenge in Georgia, Mississippi and the rest of the antebellum states to end apartheid. And it’s MAGA revivalists

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Extremely well-written and on point. Zionism Must Die.

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The is article remains ever more true.

We saw in the U.S. congress this week the foremost collection of fascists in the world today, all with their masks off.

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This insanity must end

We must demand No fly zone for israel



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Watch the Tiny Dot Video and then read "The Most Dangerous Superstition". I found and listened to the audio version.

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For every valid point made about Zionism, the same can be said for the Crown in England. Those that made Ghandi a stretcher bearer for Empire for the majority of his life. The Zionists in America with their founding families, that wear 3 letter agencies for cover. Yeah the Rockefellers and their ilk, founders of the OSS and their offspring designed all of the world's horrors.

What we face, as you stipulate in your closing statement is assured genocide of 7 billion, via bioweapons, as conflagration rages globally at the hands of those with way too much money, always and only for their benefit.

They are planning our end for their delusions. Everything is in place, over 1,000 labs full of the 4th horsemen sit around the world with murderous whitecoats, doing this all for cash bonuses.

I mostly misunderstand people these days. Ideology of self has brought us here. Thoughts of community shattered, while media twists minds, as "entertainment" twists dreams, and Rule by Laws ever shifting and only applicable to "them". Twisting the fabric of society by tearing out all the colorful threads from the fabric. Here we are, together in the End Times of our story with clear choices, still picking winners and losers at birth without remorse or regard for our shared humanity.

Dissenting voices silenced by any means. Unity has become necessary for the survival of all that is holy in God's creation. 85% of our world is on track for this, yet

here we are in the "so-called" west drinking the kool-aid.

I know how this ends, but I'll spare you the irony. As most "winners at any cost", continue to deceive, distract covet,steal,lie,"it's complicated" murder, bear false witness at corrupt courts, and, of course, the incubus, praying to Mammon for yourself, at the expense of everyone else. Going all in with Zionist hedge funds for more of the same. Devil in the details and our black hearts. Barrabas the hero


Printing money for the New world, that nobody will ever see.

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Very good article. Politics & Religion are not a very good mix, especially when extreme factions take over. , have seen the changes first hand in India, the "democratic" when it is agreeable and the censorship on speech , the journalists that have or are suffering for speaking the truth. India is following the steps of Israel in many ways, many mosques have been demolished, many riots , many law changes proposed or active that discriminate against muslim populations, its scary. The removal of certain parts of history that is taught in schools, the removal of history from text books etc so many many similarities.

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Thank you. I have written here about similarities between India and Israel. I intend to write more on the topic. It is stunning how closely Indian fascists resemble their Israeli counterparts.

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As a colonial child brought up in Sri Lanka I want to say one thing here.

There is absolutely NO similarity between India and Israel.

Yes....Modi WANTS the whole of India to be Hindu.

However in India there are so many different religions apart from Muslims/Buddhists.

Sikhs/Parsis (originally from Persia.)

Then there are different Buddhists.........different Muslims/Sikhs.

Modi is sitting like a spider waiting to see what will happen if he goes for a Hindu Nationalist Nation.

He is playing a dangerous game because when the shit hits the fan he will side with Russia/China mainly for economic reasons.

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Same is happening in Sri Lanka.

When ONE religion in ANY country decides that no other religion can co-exist...it is war.

Modi is an arch manipulator: He talks to the US then Russia.

As it is: The USA have done another coup d'etat in Bangladesh.


The US need s to have a spy base on St. Martins owned by Bangladesh.

How is India going to deal with this?

I strongly suspect they will be allied eventually with Russia.

NO country wants the US on their doorstep.

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Christ that 20 sec video is shattering. Biden must die. It was the same tactic with Dubya...aww he's just an idiot.. Awww Sleepy Joe is just senile. Bush wasn't. Biden isn't. They're fucking monsters.

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