Its not only the Rabbis in Israel that are not doing their duty.

If every rabbi in the US condemned the genocide, and their congregations expelled all the perpetrators, enablers, funders and armourers of the genocde in the US government.........this would have stopped immediately.

But they didn't. Instead most of them moved on to gaslighting about about supposed"fear", and "antisemitism" while zionists commit actual mass murder in Gaza.

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Yes, all of them are complicit. I specifically focused on the French and the English rabbis to make the point that this isn’t exclusively on the Israeli rabbis. Their European and North American counterparts have green lighted this ghastly crime.

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Thank you again for your courageous reporting.

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These citations from rabbis certainly help clarify what the world crisis is all about. It confirms the analysis presented in Douglas Reed's classic "Controversy of Zion."

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Norm Finkelstein is currently speaking on Vegas for Congress info@votevega.emailnb.com + rush.timothyn@gmail.com + www.sareforsenate.com Norm is explicit on what’s going on in Gaza & why. https://schillerinstitute.com International Schiller Conferences 9/2/24 7:30 pm EST

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Thank you for this.

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Your welcome.

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What a horror! Frankly, tell me how can you not wish the disappearance of such an evil entity that is crushing the entire planet from its morgue?…

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These race haters will taste the bitterness of defeat when apartheid is no more. Free Palestine!

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That day isn't far, God willing.

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The Old Testament is a sick book of predatory pedophile rapist patriarchs who should have been committed instead of being worshipped and created by these cabals of genocidal kosher rabbis. Adds up that the orange menace would cook up the Abrahamic Accords that lead us to the Sde Teiman culture across their warehoused peoples. But Ali on the grill is a new level of barbarity that aspires to a cult of Jeffery Dahmer to continue to keep us up at night.

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Imagine stabbing the photograph of a 1-year-old murdered baby at a WEDDING! This is utterly stunning levels of inhumanity.

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No, it is not imaginable because,fortunately,i am not one of them

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Kosher-genocide: Isn't that an oxymoron?

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No, it is not for Orthodox Jews and ZioNazis whose guide is the Talmud. The Talmud says the following:

“Even the best of the goyim should all be killed.” (Soferim 15)

“Every Jew, who spills the blood of the godless (non-Jews), is doing the same as making a sacrifice to God.” Talmud: Bammidber raba c 21 & Jalkut 772

Note: Israelis annually take part in a national pilgrimage to the grave of Simon ben Yohai, to honor this rabbi who advocated the extermination of non-Jews. (Jewish Press, June 9, 1989, p. 56B).

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Not really, it is even the opposite, because in their dissonant minds, everything that appears to us as deviant and justifying a general reprobation, is....  «Kosherized», legalized, approved...

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Sickos. "Religious " pedophiles- it never leaves the victims.Who the hell do they think are? I think all religions should mandate no robes: where a suit so we can see you, you perverts.

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and now “Two Nice Jewish Boys” give their take of Palestinians on their podcast:


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Out of over 1.8 billion Muslims, what percentage actually consider themselves ISIS? And out of roughly 15 million Jews, how many identify as Zionists? These are the real questions that need to be asked.

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They all the same

Theu all the Zionist

They all the zombies

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Wtf .Disgusting.

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> 73% of them support the ongoing genocide (a stunning 34 percent of them say Israel has “not gone far enough” in its barbarism)

Much as I despise Nazi Talmudland, its Jewish citizens and their rabid racist attitudes and practices, the %-age you gave is actaully a reduction from the almost 95% at the end of January - see this video at the 12’:13” mark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_uOJAKbGpg

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Talmudic Law.

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