I'm just... incredibly disheartened and sorrowful to see the decades of the suffering of you and millions others because of the complicity of my nation's residents whom I live among (I often do what I can to bring to awareness the Holocaustically unbearable crisis on social media to my "IRL" friends... not sure how many care all these months later...). As someone residing in the West, I know there are multiple facets to this culminated state of heartlessness we live in today ("...the love of many shall wax cold..." -- Matt. 24:12)... I've seen it all around me growing up in a privileged, idyllic suburb...

...long story short, all "mainstream" social and political dynamics in the broadest terms have taught Western residents to be a) cultically subservient to collective mantra (and it can arbitrarily morph into anything at any given moment so long as it's collectively acceptable), and b) be self-emotionally sensitive, easily-triggered snowflakes putting self first in a wrapped garb of pseudo-"individualism." This is the social/cultural aspect instilled onto children in public schools at the youngest grades... then there is the political fabric -- the entire bulk of the mainstream "left" (aka the "establishment liberals") inherit the epitomized culmination of this pseudo-individualistic self-exaltation, hence why they at heart couldn't care less about the sufferings of Middle East non-Westerners when it requires any "sacrifice" on their personal end -- they duplicitously virtue-signal until they openly shill for a Holocaust financier because they worry more about i.e. their post-whoring "right" to slaughter their unborn child for personal "convenience"...

...then you got the political "right" which in its near-entirety is entirely reactionary, Social Darwinist, and couldn't more eagerly defend the slaughter of darker-skinned people for reasons too abominably grotesque and offensive I'm ashamed to even clarify and which I'm sure you're familiar with fully. Their religious "Christianized" element in the mainstream is brainwashed into the Anglo-Zionist (ah yes, reminds me... need to write a particular post...) "dispensationalist" nonsense about Russians and Middle Easterners constituting the Antichristic forces of Ezekiel 38-39, so they feel more than justified to ignore Christ's objective command to love one another and instead view the rape and violation of "certain" nations as defensible because they "are enemies of God."

None of this is by chance -- it was all designed this way from a singular NWO cabal. And unfortunately in the present reality we live in, it's the brutalized and oppressed who are pure in heart and (yet) are denied the glorious riches they deserve, which instead are fascistically siphoned by theft to the oppressors and their accomplices who deserve them the least. If anyone deserves the luxurious first-world lifestyle of American privileges, it's you and your longsuffering brethren whose hearts are pure in charitable graciousness and meekness. My IRL peers -- who take earthly material riches for granted and lack compassion for the indescribable suffering of the innocents -- deserve nothing more than to be inflicted with the very pain they coldly disregard others'.

And believe me, I myself didn't come to a full realization of these life lessons until the brutal life lessons -- namely that the righteous will continuously suffer for their purehearted integrity -- hit me many years ago... ultimately I'm glad my own suffering was not in vain (ultimately not that they could nearly compare to the sufferings of i.e. yours, I'm sure), seeing they made the difference towards gradually opening my eyes and heart...

Western pseudo-"Christianized" supremacist scums will one day understand that this declaration speaks straight to their face: "Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof." (Matt. 21:43)

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"The righteous will continuously suffer for their purehearted integrity"

This is nothing but the truth. In a world run and dominated by psychopaths and sociopaths, the righteous suffer. But they will have salvation, as you and I know, and nothing matters more than that.

Your comments, notes, and posts are always enriching and educational for me. You have helped me understand so many things better. I cherish the fact that you take out the time to write these beautiful comments on my posts. Thank you, my friend.

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More than welcome -- glad to hear my comments are both of informative value and hopefully a bit of comfort for you in your daily life. May you find as much peace and stability as possible.

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Oct 1Liked by Palestine Will Be Free


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Oct 1Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

"The culture of mass distraction generates indifference towards things that really matter" - Cornell West

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Sep 30Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

The loudest, most enthusiastic voices for war come from the puny cowards who are the farthest away and the least likely to experience the butchery firsthand. These “people” are still psychologically, morally and spiritually living in caves! They are already half dead and beginning to rot!

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Oct 1Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

And these same cowards are also the first to send other people's money to Israel and Ukraine.

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Oct 1Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Not to mention sending other people's children to die in wars of their creation but always shielding their own kids from the same fate.. the fuckers

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That's true Uaifo. We pay the bills and send our kids to war.

And they make all the money

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Sep 30Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

That last line, haunting and daming at the same time

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Oct 1Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

This holocaust is cutting my appetite, aching my heart, blackening my heart, spirit, & soul! How can this happen AGAIN? Relatives of Hitler’s victims of racists hatred now visit that evil on innocent people! Stop this hatred! #ArrestNetanyahu4WarCrimes EndGenocideInGazaASAP FreeGAZANS Free Palestine 🇵🇸

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Oct 1Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Please continue telling it like it is. Don’t think it’s futile, because repetition matters. Don’t lose hope because truth matters and will always win. Free Palestine!

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Oct 1Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

A superb article. Thank you. 🙏🏽

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Here in the UK the MSM make sure that, unless you know where to look, most people simply don’t know the extent of the carnage. If you try to show them anything they just mumble about Israel defending themselves and say they are fighting terrorists who want to kill all Jews. I get the impression from the Government and lots of ordinary people too that killing a Jew is somehow a million times worse than killing anyone else.

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1Author

Jewish exceptionalism is off the charts.

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Taking our turn at the slaughter house is apt- humanity has every species and every individual of every species at our collective mercy and being human seems to be treating non-humans, apart from our pets, like total shit. We shut our eyes to the horror of factory farms (at least the Chinese wet markets abuse animals openly) and put our desires above everyone else's basic rights- dominion it's called in the Bible.

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Most likely because people feel their voice is unheard.

In the USA both parties are owned by big defense contractors, and AIPAC.

What can one do?

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Vote third party, stop paying tax, boycott and demonstrate

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GLOBAL WAR on the Illegal ZioTerroristMossad state begins

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