We were all ignorant of the horrors, I had read about the Nakba, but this could not happen now. Right? But the ongoing carnage with videos and the glee with which israeli soldiers post their SoMe posts the way they dehumanize their victims, its sickening.

Have not slept well since then, crying, cussing and watching this carnage through the nights, and the inaction of the world. Even though people around the globe are upset, but the powers that be have so far failed to stop the genocide. Or to even really try!

So I started writing. Started writing the historical posts as the only thing I could do, taking cultural breaks and some current events inbetween as well ... and it developed into this series, hope that makes the drop in the ocean that will turn back the tide of silence from our leaders around the world! And make the people stand up. The world deserves better leadership!


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You write what I feel! Thank you for your words!

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"I don’t think I will ever go back to being whatever I was before October 7." That's exactly how I feel. Before Oct 7, I didn't even know what Israel was, and I would never have seen myself joining protests against my family's wishes. Now, I can never see myself going back to that ignorance, even as pro-Palestinian advocates are targeted.

I may be powerless to free Palestine, but Palestine has freed me. If that makes any sense.

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Welcome to our family. ❤️

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Perfect sense

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Thank you.

Before October 7th, I was incensed at the apartheid and self-defeating stupidity of the pzichotics. I was enraged that The Lobby in the US had so much influence over US policy, and that all of that influence was wasted in defeating the best interests of the US and Israel, both.

After October 7th, my disgust and cynicism transformed into a retching horror I had never known I could feel. I am still reeling at the monstrous nightmare surreality of knowing these things are actually happening.

I no longer sympathize in principle with the idea of a Jewish homeland somewhere: Israel cannot survive, should not survive this. The Jews have doomed themselves to wander in diaspora forever. Palestine will be free.

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Thank you, Alan. There’s no reason for anyone to tie their entire identity to being Jewish. I don’t identify my personhood by my religion or my ethnic background. I’m a sentient being, a child of Nature or God if you like. People who now identify as Jews can be the same. No diaspora, no antisemitism, no exceptionalism, no persecution. They can join the human race and we can all work for peace.

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As long as colonialists gather in faith they will not change for the better. Instead they'll find security in consensus and build walls from that consensus against outsiders who don't share their faiths. Faith is a siren song that leads people to the rocks. For such people the words "Now let's turn to our bibles (or Torahs or Korans)" reinforces words of affirmation pogroms and genocides. As long as we consider these texts as godly and sacred guidebooks instead of tales and mythologies invented by the powerful to build and bind a "flock", the slaughters will continue. Worship if you must but worship alone and in peace.

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Thank you for this, I needed to read this. It definitely spoke to me. “I didn’t know such beauty existed”

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I was always conscious of these problems - but I always thought the situation was due to benign neglect.

It wasn’t until I started doing research the past year that I realised how this entire situation was actively constructed by Zionist in the US govt structures working undercover, and how much the Europeans colonial group was silently allied with them.

This is why they all keep insisting on acting as if history began on oct 7, 2023. Because if you look closely their actions are all over this. They are they agents who built this house of horrors.

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IF I MUST DIE~ You must Live, to tell my Tale


Martyred In The ZioNaziTERRORIST Extermination Camp, GAZA,  December 6, 2023

“We count the years by how many Wars Our kids survive.”


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Thank you.


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"I didnt know such beauty existed"

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This was written incredibly well, it summed up everything we wanted to say but couldn't. None of us will ever be the same

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So many things are new mile posts in the war against tyranny.

Oct 7th,2023 ,

will certainly be remembered as the day the oppressed fought back.

Now that new wars in the Middleeast are beginning, let's hope that the world,

will finally see who the real villans are.

Exposupsosed to the light of day, the Zionists, will always look like shameless murderers.

Witch of course,

that's what they are.

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i have changed too. Disgusted by our Governments and realised we have to work harder to make a difference. Also, to Boycott everything especially all products from the United States of IsraHell.

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before oct7, I blamed jews

after oct7, I blame jews

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I was an Agnostic Christian, previously a Fundamentalist Biblical Christian Zionist in a very small Protestant Sect

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For those still clinging to the MoneyChangers’ Heresy

It is GOD’s Will that this Heresy of Israel

~In Their Stiff-Necked Idolatry of Their Covenant with Death and Their Pact with Hell,

Hidden Under the Blood and Ash of

Their Refuge of LIES~

be Thrown Out and Trampled Underfoot

Isaiah 28:12-19, Isaiah 59, Matthew 5:13, Revelations 3:9

Exodus 19:5

“IF you hearken to My voice and keep My covenant,


you shall be My Special Possession, dearer to me than all other people on Earth”

1st Chronicles 22:13

ONLY THEN shall you succeed,

*IF YOU* are careful to observe the statutes and ordinances which the LORD commanded MOSES

1st Chronicles 22:8

God’s Response To David

“You may not build a house for My name, because you have shed too much blood upon the earth in My sight.”


Isaiah 56:7

“My house shall be a house of prayer for all nations”



His PRINCE-OF-PEACE Our Christmas Gift

(Isaiah 9:6-7, Isaiah 11/ John 14:27, Galatians 5:22-23)


“NO PEACE!” declares TheWicked

(Isaiah 57:19-21)

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