Sep 18·edited Sep 18Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

I'm not sure exactly what detailed input to type anymore in continual appalled repulsion to such bottomless depravity, so I suppose I'll just keep the summary brief: hexagramic Nazism is a cancer to humanity.

Your 100th article? Congrats on your publication's traction and success, my friend; at the same time, I'm sorry to hear that your hundredth article was painfully spent covering a brutal terrorist attack which (one would at least *hope*) humanity should've never allowed to happen. I'm sure I can't truly relate to/feel the horrified extent of what you endure everyday; may it be that you find as much peace and comfort as possible. One day, the Nazi Occupation Government WILL be eternally destroyed for good.

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We are all running out of words to describe these absolutely appalling acts of terrorism by an inhuman, barbaric regime.

Yeah, the thought did cross my mind that I am putting a sort of upbeat message at the end of such a painful piece, but then I also realised nearly all of my articles have been of a similar nature. I appreciate all your kind words and support, my brother. Wish you all the success with everything you do.

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I recall last year anticipating a gloomy outlook for what 2024 would descend into, but it definitely didn't cross my mind then to contemplate a reality witnessing Nazi-level brutality at too disturbingly-fast of a pace for fitting new designations to catch up.

More than welcome as always, and thanks for your kind wishes in return, my beloved friend and brother; I definitely hope to continue my work standing in solidarity with you and your long-suffering kin/brethren without any major derailments -- right now there's some Zionazis out to harass (and possibly dox) me on the internet in what *could* be a coordinated top-down Mo(SS)ad scheme, and it's my strong desire to -- as long and bold as possible -- a) amplify/humanize the voices of people like you in tribulation and b) educate as many good-faith eager listeners as possible about some historical records.

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May God grant you victory in whooping those Nazis' backsides and all your other noble endeavours.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Thank you; massively appreciated. I believe I already struck a few nerves with some of my articles, which explains why a few internet degenerate loons in the International Judeo-Nazi Cabal (IJNC) have recently lashed out against me -- they *probably* didn't like my expose of Rothschild-Hitler (normally I'm soft enough for an aptitude of inclination to pity the actual hypersensitive snowflakes, though in this case I just laugh at the hexagramic Nazis' cheeseless whine cellar). Just need to continually persist in the meantime with research and writing!

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Every time folks like that come after you know that you are on the right track! Looking forward to what you have in store for us in the coming days. Keep at it!

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Sep 18Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

insidious i can stand anymore just when its clear they have reached the pits bottom they dig deeper into hell. They replace the Nazis ea day by another depravity. i must go back and read all i had to speak after the pager video the idea is anathema in any “civilized “ place like razors in apples ? (a scare tale for children on halloween) we truly are in a mentally ill world.

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Sep 18Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Yet another sickening action by the world’s most immoral army.

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Sep 18Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Congratulations on getting your 100th article out and working to humanize Palestinians in the face of western brutality. There’s the ‘weapons’ technology for truly inhuman militaries that make the land theft possible for the ‘colonial’ technology that resettles with whites and the ‘terrorism’ technology that looks to instill deterrence, fear and confusion in the resistance to maintain a ‘slave’ technology with immense brutality. Colonialism is about technology experimentation that can lead to concentration camps for erasure like Gaza. The evil center that the West looks to maintain in the Eastern orient as a bulwark against Arab nationalism and climate instability is based on overwhelming force. But with the Iron Dome in the same free fall as reaper drones and the retreating seventh fleet we are seeing a resort to more indiscriminate cheap tricks and a WWI type immense casualty stalemate that heralds an end of empire.

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Thank you, Gladwyn. And Aameen to your last sentence!

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Sep 18Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Israel labeled EVERYONE from Lebanon Hezbollah. World should label ALL ISRAELIS Zionist/Nazi-terrorist, there are NO civilians in Israel, only 6MM terrorist, time DEZionise/DENazify Israel.

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Bless you for the hard work you have been called to do - I can't tell you enough how much your witnessing and your words help me and many others to feel we are not alone and that there is a much larger community of horrified, heartbroken and caring people all around the world. It grows impossible to give adequate words to this newest utterly depraved ongoing Israeli terrorism/torture surprise attack against the Hezbollah population and general population. The descriptions of their terrible wounds are like those in Gaza, the West Bank, the Israeli dungeons. Sickening. Thank you for making the distinctions about all the many kinds of people and walks of life Hezbollah is composed of. Yet even if all were Military Resistance, this kind of surprise operation of such barbaric cruelty in civilian settings can never ever be justified.

I pray for all those who are at this moment suffering martyrdom and those suffering from excruciating wounds, and like Emmanuel, I pray that you, too, have some comfort and peace in knowing how much you are giving to all of us near and far who take courage from your work, and especially those of the Hezbollah Resistance whose commitment and compassion for the Gazans/Palestinians has just cost them so dearly.

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I deeply appreciate your time and comments on my work, Liana. You are always thoughtful and empathetic. Thank you.

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Sep 18Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

I am beginning to wonder about big statements from Iran and Hezbollah saying they will punish "israel". The fact is that ZioNaziland has literally got away with large scale slaughter WITH IMPUNITY.

Iran and Hezbollah say they don't want war, which is a noble stance, but at what price? Sacrificing the security and lives of their own citizens and their entire country?

ZioNaziland needs to be wiped off the map as it has brought absolutely nothing positive, nothing constructive to the region, only death and destruction.

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I wonder if yesterday's terrorism is the straw that breaks the camel's back. Let's see.

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Insh'allah !

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My words betray me whenever I try to write about the brutality and depravity of Israel and its worshippers. Don't regret having done such bold and powerful work. Your voice has made a huge difference. Sending our support 🙏🇵🇸. Our country will be free as long as we fight and resist any treacherous attempt to silence us. Free free Palestine until the end of my existence 🇵🇸🇵🇸

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We all need to keep working towards that end in whatever way we can. Keep at it!

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Sep 18Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

I’m so sorry you’ve lost your job.

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Appreciate your support, Belinda. I am sure it was for the good.

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Sep 18Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

“An immoral, unethical, terrorist organization masquerading as a country”: You said it! There are no limits to Israel’s psychopathy and bloodlust!.

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Sep 18Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Israhell as a state must immediately cease to exist. Period.

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Sep 18Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Congrats on your 100th article. What you're doing is so important and I've shared your articles around whenever they come out.

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Thank you, Am.

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Sep 18Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

I would like to express my gratitude for your Substack posts. The adversity you faced in losing your job was truly distressing. However, witnessing the plight of the Palestinians, enduring such hardships and even losing lives, is truly heart-wrenching.

The actions taken by Israel with the pagers, whether through a software update or an internal explosive device in collaboration with a complicit company, if indeed it was their doing, are indeed alarming.

To what extent will this reach?

Can the inhabitants of this world still consider themselves safe? Could this technology be integrated into "Smart" devices such as refrigerators, CCTV systems, or devices like Alexa? Have we progressed technologically to a point where it can be turned against us?

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Thank you for your kind words, John. Indeed, nothing compares to the pain of the Palestinians inside Gaza, all suffering pales in comparison. We must not miss the big picture.

You raise some very pertinent questions. The devices that you have listed are already highly susceptible to be rigged, the smart ones can never ever be trusted. They are all listening devices which can be utilised against any person of interest. The Israeli Pegasus software which has been used by multiple governments to surveil dissenters is the clearest evidence of this.

However, Israeli terrorism from yesterday will have some serious consequences in the future. Most countries will start to doubt if buying tech from the West and West-aligned countries is something they would want to do, considering the risks that have been laid bare by the Israeli terrorism in Lebanon. They will start to rethink their purchases considering these devices are so dangerous that they cannot only surveil a personal of interest, but actually kill them. I doubt anyone wants to take that risk.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

This was a crime against humanity as it attacked also civilians and aid workers which were carrying the devices for their work, also to be considered a warcrime as it attacked them with explosive devices in urban or densely populated areas and public transport.

According to intelligence sources the devices were not Motorola, and were made in Taiwan.

Anyhow, if they were rigged with explosive or rigged to explode, the fact that they also traveled on public roads, seas or airways without any warning, makes it an even worst terrorist act and international crime.

I really hope they also get rid of their so called “high tech helmets”, before they will all blow them or get them blown up.

There is no way of hiding wireless, and encryption is a myth for mindless believers

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Yeah, turns out the devices were made by the Taiwanese company Apollo Gold's contractor in Budapest, Hungary. I agree, encryption is just pulling wool over the eyes of the digital peasants.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Funny enough, the first talking about it was RT “already yesterday”.

Among the propaganda networks they seem to be most honest and humane ones.

About encryption, its practically useless as all devices have back door built in, “mobile phones also”. Search “Spectere and meltdown” .

The same chips are still being produced.

Sorry to read about you being fired, consider it as Medal of Honor, you’ll do much better without people which do not deserve you.

In solidarity.

Hugs from Finland

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Indeed, good riddance from a place that condones genocide. Thank you, Sol.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Indeed and I am so a shame for it.

Technocratic regimes like the one running our country are genocidal in nature.

Like in brave new world, people are drug addicts, the only difference is that their soma is their mobile devices.

Living the illusion of freedom, slaves to a burocratic system of control in which

Numbers are their only value, and people only counted as “expenses”.

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Bravo! A 100 percent!

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Sep 18Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

You are the bravo my friend, and thank you for all you are doing to spread the light on this so dark chapter of our life and history.

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Sep 18Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Your writing is stellar. Idk what you did before but maybe it’s time for a career change anyways 😉 I’d love to see what pieces you’d produce once Palestine is free and safe!

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Wow! Thank you, Jack. Deeply appreciate your comment.

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they obviously want to start WW3

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