May 22Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Thanks for so poignantly writing the reality for many of us.

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May 22Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

This is how we are dulled into a mindless existence. Meaningless work (or worse, doing the bidding of soulless managers and bosses) and mindless entertainment to sap our minds and fill our days. Thank you for looking up and helping us do the same.

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May 22Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

This is so many of us now - there is no other way. Praying for humanity.

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There is another way. It starts in coming together. Holding each other. Honouring each other. As dear old Jeremy Corbyn said in 2016, Another world is possible, if we come together.

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May 22Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

So true. The trivial nature of much of the work I must complete and the associated deadlines fade into insignificance compared to actual events.

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May 22Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Not easy to attend to the mundane while your taxes are paying for a GENOCIDE! Thanks for your "A day in the life...".

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I feel you on the meetings, man. At my work, the team meetings, which we're supposed to have once a month but maybe actually have every 3 or 4, aren't so bad simply because the people on my team aren't so bad.

It's all of the OTHER meetings that trigger the fight-or-flight reflex. The choice: Overcome the urge to fight and sit through one without allowing my berserker gene to be trigged by some managerial idiocy, or call in sick?

As for Palestine, we do what we can do because that is all we can do. Given all the hysteria we are seeing from the Zionists, it is clear we are slowly succeeding. The Zionist project is doomed.

American public opinion is swinging against Israel and that swing cannot be stopped. It's a sea change, too late to do any good to the Palestinians now, too unexpected and unbelievable for Zionists to stop them from committing their heinous crimes now, but it IS happening.

You are one reason for that. Don't sell yourself short.

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Thank you, OB. Really appreciate your kind words.

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May 22·edited May 22Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Something seems to be shifting today:

- Spain, Ireland and Norway all announced they will recognise Palestine as a state

- Norway announced that it will enforce any ICC arrest warrant issued for Netanyahu and the other yahoo in his cabinet who was indicted

The psychopathic Israeli government announced it was withdrawing its ambassador in Norway.

No word yet on when the Irish, Spanish and Norwegian embassies in Damascus will be bombed by the IGF….

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Or be called Hamas. Or have I missed that declaration already.

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May 22·edited May 22

Oh they already declared them all to be “outrageous” and broke ties with the Norwegians who had been a kind of escrow house for taxes on Gazans.

The Israelis are quite a piece of work. I don’t think this mess ends without an international peacekeeping force on the ground protecting what’s left of Palestine.

And how they will be “denazified” to make any kind of reconciliation possible, I really can’t imagine.

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May 22Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

I feel for you. Being a wage slave is no joke. I love being retired: no more arses to lick, no more inane drivel to be entered into a computer. The only thing that I miss is the paycheque. Console yourself with the fact that the crap that you have to do at ‘work’ allows you the means to write for us.

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May 22Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

This is brilliant. Reminds me of Bartleby the Scrivener by Melville but for our century. The repetition, the so called work, the contrast. The insanity of this moment. Brilliant piece. Relatable. Thank you.

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May 22Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Thank you.

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May 23Liked by Palestine Will Be Free


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May 22Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

I’m retired, old and mostly out of the game, but youse keep on, and bless youse. Too right.

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Thank you, Pepe. I appreciate your readership and support. It all helps in keeping up this fight.

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May 22·edited May 22Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Today is a great day for the world and for Palestine.

Its recognition makes it officially a nation and not an entity under siege, which in turn, will now allow different type of intervention for its protection under International law.

Here something I wrote


Thank you for sharing.

Palestine will be free!

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May 22Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

This definitely hits, though its a bit different as a high schooler (?) but pointless it is regardless.

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May 28Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

I feel you, dear being of conscience and integrity. I have been there. The work thing, I managed to escape. Writing for Palestine, I had to escape for a while. Read this: https://nizamixiii.substack.com/p/the-white-screen-of-death

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are there any local meeting groups focused on healing from collective trauma? Only the online communities seem to be acknowledging the reality and it always seems there are so few of us who care

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Local to where?

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