The slow genocide was going well after the big push in 1948. The Jewish militia had done an excellent job of forcing out the natives — nearly 800,000 of them — out of their historic lands into the neighbouring territories and confining those left behind into two tiny ghettos. Those tiny ghettos remained under tight control of their new Jewish overlords who labelled the historic Palestine as Israel and pretended they gained “independence” from the British. Interestingly, it was the Perfidious Albion which played the leading role in facilitating the movement of Jews from their original European homes into these stolen lands. One would imagine the Perfidious Albion would have been astonished at being outdone by a lot even more perfidious than themselves. One doubts they imagined such a thing was even possible — not for nothing did the Sun never set on the British Empire.
Anyway, having established “their country,” the Israelis went about branding themselves with all sort of labels: the gay capital of the world, the home of the best Middle Eastern cuisine, the Only Democracy in the Middle East™, the nation with the Most Moral Army in the World™ and what not. The mainstream Western media, with their transnational Zionist benefactors in absolute control, went about publicising all their labels as Gospel — nay, the Talmudic — truth. Any deviation from the Israeli state-sanctioned script would make one a raging antisemite. You were either an Israel-loving hippie or a Jew-hating antisemite, there was no in-between.
The narrative control was so tight that wanton killing of the Palestinians in the West Bank didn’t even make the mainstream news. While Tel Aviv’s biggest benefactor, the United States, begun to assent to illegal Palestinian land grabs, even formal annexation plans for the West Bank didn’t so much as register as a blip on anyone’s radar. The occasional missile fires that reduced entire apartment complexes in Gaza to rubble didn’t warrant more than a paragraph, if at all, in the mainstream press. Birds chirp, fish swim, Israel kills Palestinians — it’s just the law of nature, seemed to be the prevalent sentiment. Why do you care? Go watch TV.
The fact that the Israelis openly spoke about and administered a just-above starvation diet to 2 million people for years was considered kosher. It became normal. The fact that those 2 million people — over 50 percent of whom are children — had no prospect of stepping out of their tiny enclave ever wasn’t considered a matter worth pondering, let alone bringing it to an end, by the vast majority of the global leadership and their publics. Other than brief episodes of outrage when the Israelis came into their own and went genocidal for extended periods of time in Gaza, the plight of the Palestinians wasn’t worth anyone’s time.
How can one complain about the distant public, when even their Arab cousins — or at least their leadership — had largely forgotten the Palestinians. They made dealings with the killers of their cousins halal. They normalised ties with the rapists of Deir Yassin and Tantura. They made peace with the butchers of Sabra and Shatila. They shook hands with the desecrators of the holy Al-Aqsa. They became cosy with those planning to bring down their third holiest place of worship. They allowed the blood-soaked feet of the Israelis to land on their soil for business meetings.
No wonder, it emboldened Netanyahu enough to unveil a map of the “New Middle East” with Palestine — the soul of the Middle East — completely erased off it and replaced with his artificial entity, Israel, at the United Nations.
Abandoned by their own and ignored by the rest, the Palestinians had to take matter into their own hands, which they did on October 7.
They said that their operation was a reaction to the many injustices visited daily upon them by the Israelis and they demanded the release of thousands of their innocents languishing in Israeli dungeons in exchange for the Israeli prisoners of war they took back into Gaza.
But what has followed since that fateful day of October 7 has blown the Israeli cover once and for all. The genocide that began over a century ago was a slow boil, but it was going perfectly fine. The ethnic cleansing project, with settlements expanding ever deeper into what little remained of the West Bank ghetto, was on track, hidden away from the glare of the world. But the Israelis became impatient. They wanted everything now. To that end, the barbarism they have unleased in Gaza has finally brought their depravity in full view of the otherwise apathetic public.
To emphasise, and it can never be emphasised enough: this barbarism is nothing new to the Palestinians. Palestinian children have been abducted and killed for decades. Palestinian men and women have been suffering in Israeli dungeons without charge for decades. The bodies of the dead Palestinians in captivity have been denied dignified burials for decades. Many Palestinian families don’t even get to see their dead relatives if they happen to breath their last in an Israeli dungeon. The organs of the dead Palestinians have been harvested for decades. The bodies of dead Palestinians have been skinned for decades. Palestinians have been used as lab rats for the most advanced weaponry and surveillance equipments for decades. Buildings full of Palestinians in Gaza have been destroyed with the mere push of a button in Tel Aviv for decades.
The only thing that has changed now is the glaring spotlight of the whole world that is trained on the genocidal maniacs in Israel. But high on their lust for the blood of the innocents, the Israelis just can’t help themselves from slaughtering people they consider subhuman, beneath themselves. Their butchery has accelerated. And in so doing, they have incinerated not only countless Palestinians, but also the Western hegemonic fig leaf that passed for the “rules-based international order.”
The Israelis have ushered in a new world by the sheer force of their unhinged depravity. And in this new world, it has become clear to everyone that the Israelis are immoral and inhuman — unfit for polite company. We only read about the barbarians of yore, but we are watching these new barbarians — new for us, not for the Palestinians, to emphasise again — live. And we are horrified.
There’s no going back. There’s no pre-October 7 world to go back to. The Israelis have razed it to the ground. And in so doing, they have given their game away — once and for all.
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I've watched the world ignore the plight of the Palestinians for 40 some years now🤬 Nobody even attempted to stop them. The US is a wholly owned subsidiary of Israel and they have been funding these authorities for decades.
You can't spell Mossad without "SS."