The Israelis are masterful at nothing but murder!

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They specialize in the murder of unarmed women and children, Jews are proven cowards in any real confrontation.

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Listen to this Useful Idiot’s Guest former reluctant IDF Soldier, Haim Bresheeth-Zabnere !

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Zabner …no e at the end, stupid AI or autocomplete by Apple !

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I am not at all surprised to see that the pack of courtiers and valets of the Zionist entity are congratulating themselves on the execution of Yahia Sinwar, and that, moreover, they pretend to believe that this will hasten the end of the war against the Palestinian people, and even that it will relaunch the peace process!

They pretend to ignore that the goal of the Zionists is not the extermination of Hamas, Hezbollah, or even the Houthis or the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. They do not hide the fact that their goal is to resolve, definitively, and in their own way, the Palestinian “problem”: by extermination, deportation, famine, disease, and all the other means with which their imagination is so fertile….

The spirit of resistance will survive all the successive leaders, and, more and more, the hardest elements will be selected, and, this deadly entity as well as its thurifers will end up paying for their crimes!...

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Why does the western media say that Netenyahu cares about hostages and wants to negotiated peace deal when all Israel does is assassinate everyone before they come to the table.

Maybe this will be a repeat of the Arafat/Rabin murders?

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Lots of US major media reporters, anchors, and producers are Israeli dual citizens, have worked for AIPAC or Israeli organizations.

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Israel does not exist! Only a terrorist genocidal estate supported by the US.

Free Palestine. The fight is not longer taking place in Palestine but all over the world.

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Resistance never dies.

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Israel doesn't kill terrorists, they kill heroes. The only terrorists they kill are themselves displayed in their incompetence.

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Long Live the Resistance ‼️🔻

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I appreciate the message and don’t doubt the sentiment is sincere … but how does one live peacefully next to a Jew who believes you’re subhuman cattle God has given them dominion over like any other “beast”?

Historically their low numbers and expulsion have been the practice all cultures have used in self defence until 1945. And at least 20 years before that is when problems really became never ending and exponential in severity although we’ve not seen this scale of Ashkenazi caused razing of a people who refused to heel to the Ashkenazi occupying and making serfs of them in their own homeland since fhe terrorbombing of the citizenry, culminating in the rape of Germany.

It brings me to such tears so often seeing these beautiful people be forced into perhaps an even worse hell than all their brothers and sisters now in Valhalla . So much needless death and no accountability .

I pray they achieve a better fate.

Free free Palestinian!

Sieg Heil Palestine and may your Endsieg come swiftly.

The world is rooting for you as do the victims of the Red Terror, and The Holodomor. And those who your ancestors proudly fought alongside to bravely try and preserve human liberty from the scourge of Judeo-Bolshevism and the ZOG, who understand your pain, torment, the artistic cruelty and adversity you face better than anyone else, roof for you Adi and the Mufti above all,

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Oct 18·edited Oct 18

Excellent article. Reading it, the thought I have had before came to my mind again: when will Satanyahu and his bloodthirsty, murderous Talmudic Nazis be picked off 1 by 1? Why has no one ever tried it?

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Maybe it's in the early planning stages, after all there was the bombing of his residence.

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🤞However, I am realistic enough to know that even if Netanyahu would be exterminated like the vermin he is, their will be fellow vermin members like Ben-Gvir and Smotrich to take his place. They will double down and the situation where Satanyahu has already surpassed his 1933-45 German role models.

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There is a huge deficit of intelligence in the "leadership" at Washington and Tel Aviv. They have been invading and assassinating and bombing people everywhere for decades - and to no end. But they never stop as ask if there is another way to live than doing this.

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It's a shame so many leaders of the resistance are being martyred...

Hopefully a new leader will take his place.

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Jews want to destroy the world with them …..

in other words, the Jews are telling the Eight Billion People that Hitler was the Smartest One in the Living Memory !

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I'd call this "The last call for everyone ". Why ? Because "smart phones are for dumb people". Ignorant as most of us (me included) are we enjoy the benefits of smart phones and similar gadgets that seem to improve our life but come at a price. Yahya Sinwar is the latest victim of US / Israeli sourveillance of everyone/everywhere. So what can we do ? Get back to send messages with Pigeons ? The truth is that we're already too deep in this electronic shit to get out. You won't be able to do your banking etc. anymore. Digital ID's become the norm for every bit of your life. The solution is to change your habits. If you're obviously a person of Interest don't usea mobile phone, walkie talkie or pager. Let others do the message for you and reduce your communications to a bare minimum. Of course this kind of warefare will create another defensive warefare like it did when the first viruses appeared on our computers. Since than we got virus scanners, VPN, TOR etc. but it's a cat and mouse game. You must change yourself and become more creative.

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It seems all we have is a statement from the Talmudic Nazi entity. Is there a confirmation from Hamas itself?

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