Aug 25Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Thanks for the encouraging details. Time for all Israelis either to make peace and petition to reside in a democratic Palestine or go live somewhere else.

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Aug 26Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

israelis" cannot live with peace because it would negate their fairy tale that their genocidal cesspool needs to exist.

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Aug 26·edited Aug 26Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

What strikes me most here is that in the Hezbollah video map of targeted Israeli bases, we can see that the entire damn territory of the Zionists is littered with military installations. More densely than even the US. Sick, fucked up society.

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Very well observed. Also, nearly all of them are bang in the middle of population centres, i.e. the Zionists are using their European and North American squatters as human shields. Every accusation is a confession.

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Hezbollah has demonstrated impressive restraint in its response. They have shown patience during the mourning of Imam Hussein, waited for the results of peace negotiations, and have consistently opposed the bombing of innocent civilians. This is in stark contrast to the actions of Israel, a country that shows no regard for innocent lives.

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Sorry but I don’t believe in any of this empty promises, according to reports, 2000 Lebanese have been already killed since October the seventh, and by the look of things Lebanon is actually doing nothing hider then deflect the attentions from Palestine.

Same goes with Iran which’s empty stand is only serving in generating more confusion and tension to the region, and actually, not just doing nothing to stop the massacres, but also providing excuses to further arming of the zionazis and bringing more zionazi troops to the Middle East.

The more time goes by, the more the evidences point out at a conspiracy of the United Nations and of its toxicpharma sponsors and subsidiaries .

Here something I wrote some days ago.


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I am surprised and somewhat dismayed that the objective is merely to stop the ZioNazi slaughter in Gaza. I had hoped the objective would be to incapacitate the entire military machine of the murderous, illegitimate genocidal cesspool.

As long as that is not on the cards, the illegitimate entity will continue to cause death and destruction in the region, and THAT is what needs to be stopped for good. ZioNazistan only understands the language of violence, so give them what they beg for!!

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Just so you're aware, you know that "stan" isn't a pejorative the way you're using it right?

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Just so you are aware, the way I am using IS a pejorative. The suffix "stan" means land and is neutral, but in combination with Zionazi it becomes pejorative, just ask an ZioNazistani what they think about it.

Just out of interest: wny do you bring this up?

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Aug 28Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Good to know you're choosing to vilify 'other' cultures this way. Truly.

There's plenty of already existing terms like IsNotReal and your term *without* the unnecessary abuse of a term widely used by other people in a way that only encourages a fear of anything "Muslim" in many western countries.

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I hate to break it to you, but ZioNazism is as much a culture as Nazism was. Furthermore, th ZioNazi genocidal cesspool cannot be vilified enough, it most certainly does not deserve to even exist, just like its predecessor and role model was not allowed to exist beyond 1945. This cesspool has been allowed to exist for 76 years already.

Calling ZioNazistan as such is calling it for what it is, and there is no reason why that would "encourage" any fear of Muslim in Western countries, that is just your fantasy trying to find an argument, any argument, for calling that sewer for what it is.

Terms like IsNotReal are polite terms but fail to describe why the entity is not real, whereas using "ZioNazista" leaves no doubt as to what we arre talking about.

Out of interest again: why does it upset you much to see someone "vilify" a genocidal dump? Are you a national of the place? You don't have to answer that last question, it's none of my business, but I would appreciate an answer to the 1st question since you are the one who challenged me and I don't recall you on this forum getting upset about the 200,000 Palestinians that got butchered wantonly.

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Aug 28Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

I'm not even talking about 'israel', I'm talking about your abuse of the term "stan" which simply means "land of" or "place of" to further emphasis a 'bad' thing in relation to a genocidal military satellite colony.

All you are doing with that, is further fearmongering about countries with "stan" or "istan" at the end because they're scary foreign places with terrorists and genocides, rather than being a benign term with indo-european roots.

The world you use matter doofball.

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OK Amelia, you make a good point, and from now I will (if I don't forget) use the suffix "stan" anymore. Instead I will use "land" as in "ZioNaziland".

Thanks for bearing with me and explaining it.

1 last question: please explain your last sentence. I suspect there may be a typo, but I am not sure.

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Boycott Hollywood movies for starters.

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