Aug 9Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

The problem Mehdi has is the same one as the “centre left” candidates he shills: liberalism. The centre left, globally, has swallowed the liberal tea; but liberalism is not an ideology of the left - it is the ideology of capitalism, the colonial power structure. Having swallowed the tea, the centre left have no real alternative political economic program that will actually make peoples’ lives better, so they say a few nice things and do a bit of identity politics. Then, they get walked all over by the right and their blatant racism. Liberalism *causes* fascism, it does not “cure” it. This is manifest in Gaza. At the beginning of the current genocide, Netanyahu said he was “defending western liberalism”. Netanyahu has shown us the truth, about Israel, and about liberalism. The “liberal” media and the “liberal” left are not the solution, they are the problem.

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Spot on, Bradley!

I wrote about this in the very early days of this genocide:


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I’m all for exposès about disingenuous media characters, but this seems rather out of context to me. Especially considering how many high profile debates he engages in, siding with Anti-Zionism as Zionists label him and Anti Zionism as “antisemitic.” I’d also point to people like Noura Erekat who seems to respect him. And i respect her quite a lot.

Decide for yourselves, but while i will strive to maintain wariness of media personalities, i don’t see valid reasons to claim Hasan is in the wrong side of history.

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Shilling for Democrats who are enabling and overseeing this genocide was enough context for me to write this article. I don't mind his grifting and selling out any cause he wants to the highest bidder, but I draw the line at asking for votes for people who are conducting a literal genocide.

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Well said, even though you are quite mild in your reply to this genocide-loving-supporting character.

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> i don’t see valid reasons to claim Hasan is in the wrong side of history.

Either you have a cognitive problem and cannot understand what you are reading, which I don't believe is the case, or, in true Zio tradition, you refuse to see reality and even go as far as denying it and desperately trying to divert the conversation.

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Your criticisms of Mehdi are valid right up until MSNBC fired him for speaking up for Palestine and against Israel. You say you don't read or watch Zeteo. Perhaps you should?

He started Zeteo to fight for Palestine. This is the main thing the org covers and he's platforming a lot of brilliant Palestinians + allies. Zeteo is reaching many who want to find out what's really happening re Israeli occupation of Palestine.

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9Author

I have written about his platforming of Palestinian voices in the article. Whilst I agree that his reach helps the uninitiated become aware of the Palestinian issue, but at the same time egregious tweets like this: https://twitter.com/mehdirhasan/status/1740581127625072890 (December 29, 2023)

and this: https://twitter.com/mehdirhasan/status/1783149649584324841 (April 24, 2024) only serve to muddy the water and fraudulently tell the readers that "Hey, you know what the resistance and the occupation aren't all that different from each other." It is a bad faith argument and only serves the Zionists.

As I wrote in the article, I have known of his fraudulent behaviour for years, but never thought of writing this piece until he tried to launder the Democrats who are responsible for this genocide.

All I ask for is a principled stance on at least the issue of Palestine, where innocent people are being by the thousands. He can sell out left-wing causes and be an MSM hack all he wants, but I draw the line at supporting the party that is actively conducting a genocide. That's a red line for me.

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Thank you for the response. I will be voting for Jill Stein for prez. I refuse to vote for Harris - a liar and empty suit who obeys Dem Zio donors on facilitating US-Israel genocide of Gaza.

I agree that the 2 tweets you cite from Mehdi suck. That said, I think Zeteo is a force for good as far as educating regular Americans re Palestine and how sick the Zio entity is.

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My aim is to stop the genocide. This seems to be Mehdi's aim as well. And yours.

I am tired. Not intererested in a circular firing squad. There are plenty of better targets out there viz Dems supporting US-Israel genocide of Palestine.

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Nope, he did not start Zeteo to fight for Palestine: he started it as a cover for his ZioNazi sympathies and his shilling for them, don't delude yourself.

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Right...and I am subscribed to Zeteo...but like much of MSM Teflon shielding it does not tell the whole story....https://mondoweiss.net/2024/08/the-world-court-has-ended-the-oslo-ruse/?ml_recipient=129099151634859384&ml_link=129099071382095392

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Aug 9Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Chris Hedges called MH a bully 😆 I think MH just goes where the $$ is... He's a very good debator, I admit, but I'm with Ali Abunimah and Chris Hedges on this ...

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All true. I really disliked him before 10/7/2023, and I may go back to disliking him in the future. But it doesn’t matter what I like or don’t like. Not at this moment.

The truth is that Mehdi Hassan is an unflappable, highly skilled orator. I’ve seen him in a couple of debates, including the q&a with Benny Morris, and there’s just no question about it. He eviscerates his opponents using verifiable facts and logic, while the other side is lying shamelessly. That is very hard to do.

We need him and I’m grateful. Ali Abunimah is certainly the voice I admire the most (reading one of his books right now), but until he’s getting invited onto CNN I’m happy Mehdi is out there!

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I don't doubt his speaking and debating skills, not at all. And I would surely rise to my feet and give him a standing ovation for taking to task Israeli terrorism apologists, but I also can't back a guy who is asking his readers to vote for the people orchestrating this genocide. Sorry.

I also can't stand for a guy who actively muddying the waters with egregious tweets like these:



While many uninitiated people are becoming aware of the Palestinian issue through Mehdi's work, they are also being drip fed Zionist narratives about fake rape accusations and imaginary antisemitism through him.

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I agree, he was totally “both-sides” for months, sounding like another tv apologist. His value is not as a journalist.

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Debating the likes of Benny Morris and other lying Zionists is not hard to do.. if someone tells you the earth is flat, it’s not hard to eviscerate them with facts. You’re setting a low bar here.. the logic the Zionists use can be refuted by anyone with a decent education and high school level debating skills.

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I like your confidence!

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Anyone who supports the Democult Party is supporting genocidal maniacs. Anyone who supports most Republicans is also supporting genocidal maniacs. That's because anyone who supports Israel's right to exist is supporting genocidal maniacs by definition.

Hasan was a shill from the time he first signed his MSNBC--I think it was MSNBC--contract. If he wasn't they never would have hired him in the first place. Oh, he spoke up for the Palestinians after October 7, so the US government and media finally went too far for him, so good on him for that, but it is reasonable to have doubts as to his sincerity given his long history of being an establishment shill.

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Aug 8Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

I think the author is spot on. There are quite a few things with Mehdi Hassan and Zeteo that have made me wonder about him. This article echoes my own growing discomfort about Mehdi Hasan’s and Zeteo’s subtle signalling.

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None of this is incorrect (I scored 100% on the quiz btw!), and I hated Hassan after that charade with Matt Taibbi. But.. where’s Taibbi right now? He certainly doesn’t give a shit about Palestine.

Two points:

1. Mehdi is a very skilled debater; and

2. He’s devoting his platform to recognition of justice for Palestine.

So I will withhold ANY criticism of him as long as point number 2 remains true. Norm Finkelstein is also criticized by Ali Abunimah and others, but *right now is not the time.*

It’s all hands on deck right now, we should all know this. I don’t give a shit if Dick Cheney wants to speak out against the genocide. I will literally welcome him on board for as long as it takes. This is all hands on deck.

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This right here. I thought Mehdi was a careerist grifter until Israel started this genocide. Mehdi stepped up and he's doing incredible work thru Zeteo to fight for Palestine.

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Aug 9Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Excellent article, thanks for making us readers aware/re-aware of what the true scumbag Mehdi Hassan is about. شكراً جزيلاً لك

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Aug 9Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

THANK YOU. Someone needed to shed some light on that guy’s background, I was surprised to see so many people I respect sharing Zeteo’s posts on Substack, this individual is not driven by principles but rather he goes whichever way the wind blows.

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Seems the division virus has gotten to this author. While I heed the caution against holding anyone as a hero, and would go as far as to say that Mehdi Hasan panders to the establishment when it suits his purposes (He may be an Oreo as a much as Zeteo) I don't think it's helpful for this author to slur one of the few prominent and technically brilliant media figures unafraid to get in Israeli faces. Is his demolition of Benny Morris "laundering genocide"? See for yourself: https://youtu.be/Amz2Sf1JMDE?si=RgFhUbZOVgX--jB4 I also work to moderate my adulation of Norman Finkelstein, who of course has his detractors. Prepared but not happy to concede that both men probably have large egos (guess you have to, to be in the spotlight). Hasan's "happiness" over Harris/Walz is I think anti Trump strategy more than anything else.

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I greatly respect your views, but I don't agree with the part about withholding criticism of a guy who is actively selling the politicians and the party responsible for genocide as better than anything. I have documented Harris's and Walz's Israel shilling in the article and I don't see how any pro-Palestinian commentator can look past their record and comments on Palestine and still advocate voting for them. It is unacceptable behaviour.

Furthermore, his egregious tweets like this: https://twitter.com/mehdirhasan/status/1740581127625072890 (December 29, 2023)

and this: https://twitter.com/mehdirhasan/status/1783149649584324841 (April 24, 2024) only serve to muddy the waters and serve the Zionist narrative.

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I made an error in my original comment. Here’s the correction: Finkelstein is awesome. Period. I’m seeing a lot of firmly pro Pal anti genocide pundits getting v positive about Walz (more than Harris). They have good reasons, which might be summed as saving America. We have starmer here in UK. Everyone knows he’s shite but the alternative is probably civil war.

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Interesting… Mehdi gets slaughtered in the comments to his head to head on China https://youtu.be/kmYdpHtOv_E?si=mokT1biqNVjVtAJd

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Aug 8Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

I appreciate your point that there has been a lot of good and robust content from Mehdi. But I can’t help agree with the author that there is also a trend emerging from his content that should make us wary. Problem is you can’t comment on his platform without being a paid subscriber. This is something I was about to do, until I came across several of his Zeteo shows that put me off-for much of the same reasons as given in this brilliant article.

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Aug 8Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Great dissection of fraudulent reporting...just gets the blood boiling!...Free, Free Falastin!!!

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This article is really disappointing on several levels. I've only been politically engaged for a few years and only paying attention to Palestine since October 7th. But almost every waking hour for almost a year now has been dedicated to learning the history and doing advocacy work.

Mehdi has been one of the loudest, strongest, most consistent pro-Palestinian and anti-genocide voices in the media this past year. From the Guardian to Al Jazeera to CNN to Piers Morgan etc. and of course with Zeteo. I have subscribed to Zeteo since pre-launch and I consume all the content he posts there and I learn something new with every article and show he posts. Just some of the regular contributors are Diana Buttu, Fatima Bhutto, Bassem Youssef, Cynthia Nixon, Naomi Klein, and Rula Jebreal. They have all produced some amazing content.

All that said, the things this post has revealed about Mehdi's interactions in the past is really depressing. I don't idolize people (except maybe Cornel West, Vijay Prashad, and Noam Chomsky) but it's still sad to learn when people I respect don't respect each other. I am just finishing up "The Battle for Justice in Palestine", by Ali Abunimah, and I watch Electronica Intifada regularly. I have followed Chris Hedges for a long time and his book "American Fascists" is one of my favorites.

Anyway I think the accusation of "laundering genocide" is completely unsupported by anything Mehdi has produced in the past year, and I think he is doing tremendous work. But disclaimer, I am rooting for the genocide-loving Democrats to win the election so the genocide-loving Christian Nationalist Republicans don't take power in this country, because I understand those are the choices.

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9Author

Appreciate the time you took for reading a text whose premise you clearly don't agree with and then the additional time for writing your criticism. I really do. I don't take people's attention to my work for granted.

I am sure Mehdi takes pro-Palestine stances on his media appearances and on his own platform. I also read your Substack and have occasionally left comments expressing my appreciation for your efforts. You have clearly studied the Palestine issue in some detail since October, which makes me certain that you know the pivotal role the New York Times has played in laundering Israeli propaganda in support of their genocide. One of the worst pieces of their genocide laundering was the Jeffrey Gettleman piece titled "Screams Without Words." Ali Abunimah has spent a great deal of time on his website and the livestream debunking that article and NYT's role over the years in Israel apologia. Now, with all that said, how do you justify this Mehdi tweet: https://twitter.com/mehdirhasan/status/1740581127625072890 in which he writes: "Horrific testimony from eyewitnesses, as well as photographic evidence seen by Times reporters. Hard to read."?

Mehdi — who has well over two decades of journalism experience on both sides of the Atlantic — is not some new kid on the block who wouldn't know the NYT's preposterous track record in peddling Zionist narratives and American interventionism in the Third World. Even a nobody like me knows about it. (I have written about it as well: https://palestinewillbefree.substack.com/p/how-the-new-york-times-runs-american-propaganda). Yet, he chose to tweet what he tweeted. I don't see anything but malicious intent in that tweet. It's a deliberate muddying of waters. It's a deliberate attempt at painting the Palestinian resistance with the same brush as Israeli terrorism. The NYT article was in line with Israeli narrative peddling to justify their slaughter in Gaza, and Mehdi played his part in pushing that narrative with his ghastly tweet.

Consider this Mehdi tweet as well: https://twitter.com/mehdirhasan/status/1783149649584324841, particularly this line in the tweet: “Some Jewish students at Columbia have endured horrible antisemitic abuse.”

It is remarkable that his own Zeteo published a Jewish student from Columbia with this headline: “I Am a Jewish Student at Columbia. Don’t Believe What You’re Being Told About ‘Campus Antisemitism’”

The Zeteo article is from April 23 and Mehdi’s tweet from April 24. What’s happening here? Nothing but good ol’ Mehdi doing what he does best: both-siding, from, to use his own word, the “inside.”

Al Jazeera’s Sana Saeed wrote a nice reply to his second tweet: “This is not a good faith conversation and engaging in it further as though it is, continues to fuel a manufactured narrative.

“We have institutionalized anti-Arab racism and Islamophobia, which antisemitism is not. Pro-Israel students on campus have also been accused of throwing anti-black racist slurs & comments at Black students (the foundational racism that is institutionalized in this country).

“There’s a reason why both of these institutionalized racisms are not at all crossing the discourse radar.”

With regards to your point about bringing up his sordid past: I promise you I never would have if he remained consistent on AT LEAST the Palestinian genocide. Just that. Nothing else. I don’t mind his grifting record, but I won’t stand for anyone peddling Zionist narratives which are being weaponised to kill innocents by the thousands and incinerating children and women in plastic tents. That’s a red line for me.

“Anyway I think the accusation of "laundering genocide" is completely unsupported by anything Mehdi has produced in the past year” — I have laid out everything in the article and see no point in repeating myself.

I am not going to make voting decisions for you. Please go ahead and vote for whoever you want, it’s your vote and your choice. On your point last point, however, I would recommend you read “The Myth of Religious Violence” by William T Cavanaugh.


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Aug 9Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

This is a great discussion. I am certainly not here to defend MH; I don’t follow him and I’m not a subscriber to zeteo. However… one of the successful tricks of the Zionists is that they will use ANYONE who will serve their purpose, however briefly, to achieve a goal or twist a narrative. Look how they will enlist someone like Tommy Robinson or John Hagee and CUFI. These are groups who really should be total adversaries to Jewish nationalism. But Zionists are pragmatic.

That’s all I’m saying. MH could say nothing and remain silent, like many other voices right now. He isn’t. I agree that he is not acting in 100% good faith, and he knows about the fake atrocity propaganda, he must.

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Thanks for the thoughtful reply yourself, I appreciate it! I meant it when I said I was saddened by all the stupid stuff Mehdi has said in the past. I wasn't aware. I just commented on that tweet about "Screams Without Words" and requested a Community Note because that is just beyond the pale. I totally agree with you there.

Other things you have pointed out are also extremely sus, but like Nizami I'm inclined to give some benefit of the doubt just because the ratio of quality to shit still seems to me to be extremely balanced toward to the former.

As for my views on Christian Nationalism they are very well-articulated by Chris Hedges in "American Fascists". I grew up around these people and I know they would do anything to reshape the US into the Christian theocracy they believe it was always meant to be.

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Back in December, I wrote a satirical piece on establishment shills masquerading as journalists who think – and want us to think – that they speak truth to power.



I hope you give it a read. Thank you.

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Well he is getting piled into on X. It is impossible to have anything else on X. The platform is the hangout for mental illlness. I can read MHs tweet somewhat in good faith….an attempt to hold a middle ground- not for genocide but for campus students?

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So he peddled NYT's shoddy anti-Palestine propaganda in good faith? And he peddled fake anti-Semitism hysteria on US campuses in good faith? If these are examples of Mehdi's good faith, I wonder what he does in bad faith.

This holding of middle ground when the choice is between supporting a genocide and opposing a genocide is extremely problematic, don't you think? Especially for someone who is being seen as a pro-Palestine commentator.

If he can't convey his thoughts on Twitter, perhaps he should stop tweeting because he is clearly exposing his fraud with his shameless tweets.

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Great respect for your work, particularly how you remind us that Palestinians are not just numbers, but I think you're off the mark here. Even a glance at MH's X feed reveals the examples you insist on are highly selective. Maybe MH Is trying not to alienate Jewish audience—difficult, partly as it risks exactly the accusations you make. Of course, there is nothing remotely "antisemitic" about /your/ Substack, but I imagine it's not a likely read for Jews...which is a shame, as the information you relay could be transformational...I'll give MH benefit of doubt—he's playing realpolitik, rather than hammering the tribal drums. Not saying that's better, what we all should be doing, but I understand its role, indeed I hammered the middle ground drum during the Covid years. Then again, I know zero about MH beyond public profile so I may be wrong.

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That’s the book I’m reading right now also. Same here with reading everything I can get my hands on. What’s the best book you’ve read that I may not have heard of?

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A few "off the beaten track" are "Beyond Tribal Loyalties: Personal Stories of Jewish Peace Activists" edited by Avigail Abarbanel. She has been leading a book club I'm part of in which we are reading Ilan Pappé's "Ten Myths About Israel", and her book is a collection of essays from Jews around the world who rejected their Zionist upbringing.

Also "Deluge: Gaza and Israel from Crisis to Cataclysm" is very good. Oh and though you've probably heard of them, Vijay Prashad's "Letters to Palestine", Edward Said's "The Question of Palestine", and Rashid Khalidi's "One Hundred Years of War on Palestine".

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Excellent, thanks. I need to join a book club! I’ve read the Said, Pappe, and Khalidi titles you mentioned, I’ll put the others on my list.

I have two sort of obscure recommendations you might enjoy: “Hamas: A History from Within” by Azam Tamimi is a great intro to the main personalities and evolution of the political movement. Second, “Operation Al-aqsa Flood: the Defeat of the Vanquisher” by Jacques Baud. Baud is a military analyst, NATO weapons inspector, and former Swiss secret service. The book is kind of a clinical dissection of the 10/7 operation, with a brief history of the different groups involved. Super fascinating book that will probably have a very limited print run. 👍

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Cool, thanks for the recs! Btw my whole library is available here: https://www.librarything.com/catalog/tmhall99

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Aug 8Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Thank you for calling Medhi out! Wonderful article!

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Thank you for committing this to print! It must have been hard to sit on for so long. And I especially thank you for being the only person I've seen so far printing unequivocally the terrible truth of the likely number of Palestinians killed - at least 200,000! (aside from some mentioning the estimate of 186,000 by the Lancet, but then going back to the media numbers). It's been infuriating to read week after week that 37,222, 37,543,....37,735, etc. etc. then finally 38,000 and recently finally "at least 40,000" with "15,000" children killed over and over, even in the Substacks! Every one of us needs to fight off these lies meant to diminish outrage, and speak the Truth! Thank you!

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Aug 9Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

They call it controlled opposition and “cognitive warfare”.

Pretending to be for peace and condemning brutality while arming it from under table.

Here my latest thoughts on the situation


Thank you for sharing


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