Aug 25Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Let's hope this is the beginning of the end of ZioNazistan as we know it. The IRGC has promised that Iran's attack will make the region safer, which to me means ZioNazistan's military capability will be crippled for good. May this come to pass as the next best thing to wiping the genocidal cesspool off the map, Insh'Allah.

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Aug 25Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

The vital military target was in Tel Aviv!

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Aug 25Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Thanks for writing

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Aug 25Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Thank you!

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Aug 26Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

According to an intelligence analyst, Russia provided gps tracking technology that enables the axis of resistance to pinpoint launchpads in Israel. The list Hezbollah compiled seems to validate the analyst’s claim.

The infighting is getting nasty, Shin Bet’s Ronen Bar criticized Netanyahu and Ben Gvir’s actions stating they constitute a threat the country’s existence. Gallant came to his defense.

The regime is doomed.

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What will it take to satisfy our world’s hunger for war?

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That's a question for the philosopher, but the end of Israel will make West Asia way more peaceful than it currently is.

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The abolishment of capitalism. War is good for business.

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It’s the Jesuit Order. The Entire History on’The Jesuit Order’ + The Plans of World Dominance full length documentary (2021) Might still be on YouTube movado242

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As this grows,will Turkey get involved?

Or will Erdogan set on the sidelines ?

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I don't see Turkey getting involved. They kept supplying Israel with everything they needed until very recently and Erdogan suppressed protesters who brought the matter up. There is strong evidence to suggest they are still trading with the Israelis via Greece: https://thecradle.co/articles-id/25656.

Erdogan is more rhetoric than action. I would love to see it change, but I don't see it happening unfortunately.

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Aug 25Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Thank you for your thoughts and that useful link. 👍

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The Duran’s Alexander Mercouris probably has Turkey sideline or watch out updates Richard Medhurst as well even after his arrest & detainment at the airport. Chris Hedges too. Aaron Mate Grayzone + Useful Idiots.

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Hamas and Islamic Jihad issued separate statements on Sunday hours after the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement fired at least 320 missiles at nearly a dozen Israeli military positions in what Hezbollah called the first phase of a retaliatory response to the regime’s assassination of its top commander Fuad Shukr on July 30.


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Hezbollah issued a third statement to affirm that early Sunday military operation has been completed successfully and that Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah will refute the Zionist claims about a preemptive strike in a speech to be scheduled later.



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Yes, Carina. It's all there in the article. Thank you.

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No it’s not, there were no pre emptive strikes. Ok I see it now but your headline is misleading.

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It's not misleading. Notice the quotes in pre-emptive.

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Aug 25Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

I did not know that meant it was lies. I ran right over to almanar and Marwa Osman to check what was happening. Anyway I have it straight now. Thank you for the report 💚

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There were strikes, they didn't do the damage the Zionists are claiming. They have made some tall claims about how they prevented Hezbollah from doing what they originally intended to do, Nasrallah will set the record straight on those claims.

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Aug 25Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

I am taking my info from Marwa and Nasrallah. Straight from Lebanon. 💚

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Interesting that Hezbollah have only attacked military targets as opposed to schools, hospitals, aid workers and refugee camps

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1. Meron Base

2. Neveh Ziv Artillery Position

3. Zaatoun Base

4. Zaoura Artillery Positions

5. Sahel Base

6. Keila Barracks in the occupied Syrian Golan

7. UAV Barracks in the occupied Syrian Golan

8. Nafah Base in the occupied Syrian Golan

9. Yardena Base in the occupied Syrian Golan

10. Ein Zeitim Base

11. Ramot Naftali Barracks

With the reports of over 100 Israeli war planes striking 40 targets and barely a mention of the hits by the resistance is very very telling to me, I think there has been serious damage done, both sides have been hurt that's clear but what isn't so clear is how this will play out, though both sides have voiced their willingness to keep this under 'controlled escalation' can only go so far before things spiral.

Let's hope adults enter the room on behalf of the Israelis because on this trajectory no matter what they say this will end up truly hurting them, they have already lost the strategic battle in the long run this will be more evident.

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Aug 25Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

If there were adults in the room Isreal couldn’t commit blatant genocide for all this time.

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Hence the reason I said "lets hope adults enter the room". You know as in they aren't in the room.

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Hezbollah released a video with satellite footage of every base attacked. You can see in the video that there was significant damage to each base, usually to a building.

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No all of those Hezbollah targets had been evacuated earlier in the war on orders of Shukr. Israel just bombed empty ground. Hezbollah released satellite footage showing substantial damage at most of those bases.

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I don't know about you Robert, but from the information I am getting from people on the ground in South Leb Hezbollah launch sites were struck, several members killed. Documented footage also points to this fact, anyhow that aside, Hezbollah has done more damage than the Israeli's are letting on.

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Aug 27Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

That’s bullshit. I read all the Hezbollah press releases every day. There was no mention of any Hezbollah fighters killed and there would have been, as they print them right away. All of those were known launching sites for heavy duty missiles. Israel knew where they were.

But Shukr ordered them evacuated a while back because he didn’t think it would be necessary to use them.

Hezbollah doesn’t lie. If they lost launchers or weapons warehouses or whatever, they will just say nothing. They never comment on material losses.

So if they bothered to comment, that means nothing was hit. If launchers had been hit, they just wouldn’t say anything. Israel says they destroyed thousands of launchers? You believe that?

Each one of those launchers has crews of 3-5 men. Taking out several launchers could kill 12-20 fighters.

Who are these people? Are they with Hezbollah?

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Documented footage shows Hezbollah material and personnel losses from Israel’s strike. I’m calling bullshit on that.

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LOLLOL Call bullshit all you want. Footage first of that aired on Sky news shows a clear rocket launch with strikes on top of it, if you want me to go dig it out I will.

Who are these people? The person is an activist who visits belfast regularly he lives in South Lebanon and lives within the communities you claim to know so much about.

Don't try and lie about a situation just because you can, I support Hezbollahs right to fight this fight but when you blatantly bullshit like that above I'm calling you out.

VIDEO of Missile launch and attack directly after by Israeli warplanes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QhFsTkPvog

I will believe a man living there over a random fella on here, cheers.

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