Agree. They are a nation of racist, genocidal psychopaths. I've never seen or heard of such evil in my life. The only reason this genocide has continued is because the Zionist psychopaths have captured our world. They control national govts, the media and the global financial system (Zionist Rothschild banking cartel has the power to create money out of thin air).

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Sandra (?),

You make a valid, salient, and ominously accurate point.


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I also believe they are trying to provoke WW3.

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This comment echoes antisemitism. let's be careful, friends. Who is "they"? When we talk of cartels and shadow governments, especially in relation to concepts conflated with Judaism, we should critically examine what we are saying.

No, Israel is not the shadow government behind the world's colonial powers. Israel is the twin, the daughter of even, the United States. Let's not drudge into antisemitism, we don't need to in order to oppose the state of Israel.

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Write all you want! Get on top of a building with a bullhorn and shout the Israeli catalog of horrors and iniquities to the world! Organize! Protest! March in the streets of every Capitol in every country of “the West”! Light yourself on fire! Starve yourself to death! The churches - who ought to care - don’t care! The government doesn’t care! Our leaders don’t care. The Israelis are laughing at you, quietly now, but soon out loud, in your faces! They despise all goyim. They are going to present the world with a terrible fait accompli, and guess what? We will continue to provide them with everything they need when they turn on the Kingdom of Jordan, or invade Lebanon. Our relationship with them is toxic, deadly, and dangerous. They despise anyone who isn’t a Jew. We exist simply to provide weapons and money.

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They even hate what they call "soft Jews", that is Jews that believe in the preaching of love and justice. The Zionists plan on exterminating them at one point. On fact, the "soft Jews" have been leaving Zion for years or decades after the hate and extremism spread throughout the population.

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The UN should be sending an army into Gaza and the West Bank to enforce a cease-fire and oversee a rebuilding of homes and infrastructure. All Palestinian families must be indemnified.

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Yes, they call it satanism, though the word was taken from something completely different.

The same “satanists” control their pyramidal system of control called freemasonry, controlled by dividing their worshippers into classes, rings , or levels.

Freemason so called temples are the prove of it, as they all use the same symbology everywhere, the chessboard on the floor, for the initiates, to remind them to be ponds in a game, the emblem of the lodge on the doors and walls for the second lower ring, to remind them of their place, above it the pentagram and images of lucifer to represent the third ring and their masters and frighten the followers with made up stories of the “occult” to maintain them scared and into submission, and above on the ceiling the symbol of their satan, the star of david, to remind them who is their boss.

That is how they used to control the world.

To say they have no moral compass, would be an understatement, as they are brainwashed and traumatized sadomasochistic entities with no connection to humanity and human values.

But don’t be afraid, because they are also so self destructive and hard wishing to be destroyed that they are soon bound to get their inner wish granted and disappear.

They will be drowning in the blood they have spilled.

Be strong and faithful, humanity is much more powerful than a bunch of sickos and their brainless minions.

Although nothing can undo the horrors they have done, their crimes will be punished, keep in mind also this, more soldiers have died after the most brutal and Genocidal wars, than during them, the genocidal soldiers will end up killing them selfs.

They can try run away from the law, but they will never runaway from them selfs.

Here something I wrote a few days ago.


The world is watching and people are standing with Palestine.

I know it is hard but please, be faithful in humanity, Palestine is not alone and the world is now moving for you.

Peace, dignity, prosperity and justice for Palestine

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They don't know they are fighting against Allah. Iblis said I am better than Adam and went astray. They are just like that.

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They and the West are run by a Death Cult.

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I would say that you’ve hit the proverbial “nail” on its head.

Well said and on POINT!

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Here one more on the reality of things.


The monstrosity will end only after the monsters are neutralized.

We must demand peacekeepers on the ground, not just in Gaza, but on all of the occupied territories.

The Holocaust and the Apartheid must end now!

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And what can we say then about the US government that has provided every plane and every bomb that has killed every mother and child, every father and grandfather, destroyed every home, and continues to provide the bombs as this genocide carries on in front of them and all of us.

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What can we say about it(??):,

It will self destruct, and will take any and all who have become its adopted “children” down with it (should they choose loyalty to The Empire over what they’ve been taught is right). There is, it would appear a stiff penalty for greedy and stupid:

2 viruses that cannot be cured by any vaccine available.

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You can say: To hell with it!

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@Michael Morris

hmmm?! greeks? idk ..but maybe..!

israel acting hatefull like an crazy psychopath on meth having a bloodrush like a vampire!

but also the enemies of israel..

but also because of israel..

both because of national interests..

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They despise us and unless we break this evil and unholy “relationship” off, they will piss on our graves.

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We (The West), exist to be their slaves:

This is what they are told :


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So much of this comment section relies on antisemitism. My friends, conflating Zionism/Israel with Judaism is a false conflation presented to you by the colonizers. Israel isn't for the Jewish people and opposed to everyone else-- Holocaust survivors are treated horrifically in Israel, there are Palestinian Jews who are being bombed right now, there are Jewish people and organizations who oppose Israel and apartheid. The reliance on talking points like shadow governments, hatred of goyim, etc are extremely dangerous.

Free Palestine-- and in the meantime, let's not perpetuate antisemitism. We don't need to, Israel is worthy of critique and dissolution without it. Their genocidal actions/intent is clear as day.

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Poor Satan. He always gets blamed for the things that humans do. Yes, the Zionists are human. Indoctrinated into a cult that makes that of Jim Jones look benign in comparison.

Of course, Jim Jones wasn't armed to the teeth by the United States government. Zionism is clearly a dangerous cult that simply has no useful place in human society, and I seethe at the thought that the taxes American labor paid for are financing the abomination named after a Bronze Age country destroyed by the Assyrian Empire.

Damn Shalmaneser anyway; he's never around when we need him.

Unfortunately, the sad and sorry truth is that this genocide of the Palestinians will end only when the Zionists go so far as to sicken even the bloodthirsty vampires of the Biden regime and half of Congress.

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