"Israelis," whoever and whatever they are, have written the book on terrorism for the 20th and 21st centuries. They have said as much, and they flaunt it before the eyes of the world. Of course they couldn't survive a day without their Fifth Columnists in the US and elsewhere.

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I have long been thinking of documenting in an article how all forms of modern terrorism have been invented and perfected by the Israelis. Truly a disgusting collection of humans.

With regards to the flaunting part, CBS News had the terrorists behind the pager attacks in Lebanon come on 60 Minutes and gloat about their supposed "genius". Absolutely incredible stuff.

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These people cannot be trusted. Simple as that.

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> "Americans gave the Israelis 30 days to increase aid to northern Gaza as they tightened the siege on the top half of the besieged enclave. The Israelis, however, didn’t comply with the American request and faced no consequences in return for their intransigence. American utterings are hokum."

Sadly here in the U.S. there's only a scant minority who retain a genuine yearning for human decency because the political right cannot be bothered to pretend offering any sympathies for non-Western Arab Muslims and the left throws around this issue like a game of college football, selectively co-opting anti-Zionism to fuel their prioritized TDS first-world privileged inconveniences. As much as I hate to say it and I'm sure you're more than fully aware, the American rot isn't merely governmental but societal. I cannot even begin to describe the level of Judas behavior among the social media charlatans I've seen who only repost Palestinian awareness material sparsely only when it's trendy and bootlicked for Ku Klux Kamala last November because "tRumP w1lL tAkE aWaY aMer1caN rIteZ!"

The "Christian Zionist" card used by American theocrats truly makes me want to vomit. The same people professing to serve Jesus support an unending crucifixion and torture of the millennia-indigenous people belonging to the very country Jesus was crucified in.

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“ . . . At over 40 acres, the new Beirut Embassy, is a 19-structure ziggurat that dwarfs any government facility in Lebanon, is the second largest in the world after Baghdad’s. Its billion-dollar estimated budget rivals the cost of the US embassy in London, and it is about four times its size, despite Britain having ten times Lebanon’s population and 130 times its GDP.

No specific reason has been offered for building such a massive compound in Lebanon. . . . “


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"No specific reason has been offered for building such a massive compound in Lebanon. . . . “

Well, Mary, the reason is very simple actually. America runs Lebanon and its neighbouring states from Beirut. The expansion of the embassy simply means they will be working a lot more from Beirut in the years to come since Israel has been exposed for its barbarism and is unlikely to see any semblance of pre- October 7 peace and calm in the near and distant future.

Also, this will be second-largest American embassy after Iraq. And we all know who runs Iraq. Hint: It's not the Iraqis.

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U.S. needs to get EVICTED. And so do IsraHELLz ZioNaziMossadMafia TERRORISTS~ back to Germany.

Germany can figure out what to do with them on its own

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Yes, that monolith concerns me very much, and the near total absence of news coverage on it is very disturbing.

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Maybe we can get Ken Klippenstein on it

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I didn't cast my vote for Trump or Harris, as neither aligned with the principles my wife and I hold dear. Now, with the current president in office, I'm genuinely concerned about his aggressive approach. It worries me that when other countries, particularly those in the Middle East, decide they've had enough, it could lead to conflicts that will impact countless people around the world. It's unsettling to think of the potential harm that might come from such tensions.

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If it's any consolation, John, I don't think things would have been much different had Harris been in the office.

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The Israeli's have nukes and they are crazy and psychopathic and demented enough to use them. Like Jim Jones of Jonestown poisoned his flock rather than surrender to public out cries Netanyahu and his crazy Zionists will take down their surround with nukes rather than kneeling to world opinion. Isreal in its current form needs to be erased.

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I want israel to be ethnic cleansed so badly for this and other atrocities they have commited

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I want to see a totally disarmed Israel behind 1967 borders with equal voting rights within a Palestinian state. I want to see them as the Quebec of the Middle East.

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Why doesn't the Lebanese government secure its borders and protect the people? Why do the Lebanese put up with this? At minimum it should provide the people with the means of self-defense against the invaders.

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> Why doesn't the Lebanese government secure its borders and protect the people?

Because the Lebanese government is run by the United States in the service of Israel. They couldn't care one jot about protecting Lebanese borders and civilians. If anything, they would want all of Lebanon to be subsumed by the Zionist state.

> Why do the Lebanese put up with this?

They don't. The southern Lebanon residents, as I have outlined in this very article, already went back to reclaim their homes and lands, irrespective of the state of the so-called ceasefire. They liberated their lands in 2000 from the Zionist occupation and they will do it again and again and again.

The Lebanese government doesn't represent the Lebanese people. It represents the interests of the US and Israel.

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My questions were more rhetorical, clearly the Lebanese government is worthless to the Lebanese, why don't they oust it? I'm guessing because they are unarmed.

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The head of the snake is in Washington. Overthrowing it in Beirut is no help. Lebanon has been engineered since its colonial days in a way that it can never run as a "proper" state.

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Governments are not our friends. We need people to realize they are born free and refuse to obey tyrants. It is criminal that the Lebanese aren't provided weapons to defend themselves. Human beings have an unalienable right to self defense.

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Yes, the modern state is tyrannical and demonic.

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Nothing new about it, it is just more brazen than on the past. Humans are not equipped to handle power over others. It brings out the worst in them.

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Hello there, Lebanese here. Let me tell you about what Lebanon is really like. During the last presidential elections Hezbollah MPs voted for the American candidate. After the murder of Sayed Nasrallah, the party designated the head of Parliament Nabih Berry who is considered the most valuable partner to Hezbollah as he is Shiit not only gave the south away, but also gave away the sovereignty of the entire Bekaa valley (north and south of the Litany river) to the Israelis.

After the Pager attack, the Lebanese resistance suffered a major defeat, so the political class realigned itself to the service of the US of A to protect their hides. The Iranian retaliations were insuffisant to dissuade them from that U turn and now, the axis cause is on the backfoot in local politics.

Lebanon does not have a state in how the west sees it. It is an agglomeration of self serving interests that cares not for any cause other than their own survival. Even if that leads to the dissolution of the state itself (it happened before and it will happen again).

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I am so sorry for the awful circumstances the Lebanese have had to endure. My own government is certainly to blame for most of the corruption in leadership. I hope that the fine people of your country will unite and oust the lackeys in your government and fight to free Lebanon from outside forces. Arming your population would be a great deterrent to Israeli invasion, as the cowardly IOF is only good at murdering unarmed civilians, and has no stomach for actual combat.

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