We cannot allow this to happen. We are stronger together. Turn on your Fairuz Essentials on Apple Music and/or Marcel Khalifa and write more comments, letters to asshole members of congress, join CodePink, Wear a kaffiyeh to Target or Walmart. Be fearless. The tide is turning.
We cannot allow this to happen. We are stronger together. Turn on your Fairuz Essentials on Apple Music and/or Marcel Khalifa and write more comments, letters to asshole members of congress, join CodePink, Wear a kaffiyeh to Target or Walmart. Be fearless. The tide is turning.
We cannot allow this to happen. We are stronger together. Turn on your Fairuz Essentials on Apple Music and/or Marcel Khalifa and write more comments, letters to asshole members of congress, join CodePink, Wear a kaffiyeh to Target or Walmart. Be fearless. The tide is turning.