Modi was linked to a pogrom against Muslims in Gujarat when he was chief minister or governor or something there. He's always been a fanatical Hindu nationalist, a real Crusader. I wouldn't be surprised if he was jealous of the Israelis for killing more Muslims than he has been able to do.

This is why I have strong reservations about Indian-Americans who have nothing but love for Modi, such as Nikki Haley and Tulsi Gabbard.

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Yes, he was the chief minister of the state at the time. He instigated the crowds, gave police a free hand, and oversaw the massacre till he had his fill of Muslim blood. The union government at the time was led by his own party, so it didn’t bother him much other than voicing concerns.

It has been well acknowledged that his rise to national politics was paved by the Gujarat massacre, not hindered by it. Hindus love him for his hatred of Indian minorities and they reward him for it with their unflinching support and votes.

I find it shocking that the likes of Dore and Rogan talk about Gabbard as some sort of an anti-war messiah who is a fresh breath of air in American politics. It goes to show how shoddy their research into her and even their understanding of geopolitics is. She is neck-deep in Hindu extremism money through various foreign arms of the RSS (the parent organisation of Modi’s BJP).

This guy does a good job of following the Hindu money and influence trail in American politics: https://twitter.com/FriedrichPieter

Haley is just a straight-up war hawk with an Indian origin story.

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Politics in the US is incredibly vapid and superficial, so even pundits don't do any research or deep dives into subjects. Paradoxically as access to knowledge has expanded, willful ignorance has increased. The Tucker Carlson interview with Vladimir Putin shows this clearly. Also journalists are like teachers, bottom half of college graduates

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Never did think much of Modi. BRICS would be wise to watch him like a hawk.

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It is not surprising to me that Israel and the Brahims of India are tight. Both are Priestly in nature, with a disdain for Warriors, Merchants, Craftsmen and Workers.

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I can confirm the details in this post through my own experience. Hindu anti-Muslim nationalism is pervasive and fanatical among the ruling class. Demographically, their numbers are astounding.

Richard C. Cook


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Really sad and disappointing to hear. Right wing nationalism really is one of the worst things in politics and society.

Thanks for sharing this.

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India is a Trojan Horse within the BRICS.

While the Russians are all too eager to support it, the Chinese clearly see right through them.

Of course the eunuchs masquerading as Arab leaders cannot even be bothered to take a harder line on this nation of glorified toilet cleaners and street vendors.

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actually according to what we know, the jewish people originally came from India.

What we know is that they were some kind of nomad Kali cult, and that they came from Rajasthan and Ariana.

They took some of the teachings of the ancient indù books, and made their on anti cult, in which instead of worshiping the sex “Shiva Lingam” , they cut the connection with it, and instead of worshipping life, they begun to worship death, “human sacrifices, torture and the all lot” and together “as a tribe” they trance out of humanity claiming to be the superior being “chosen people” and warship the occult. “Kabala” .

Ho also, they stop worshiping the cow, and took the pig 🐖 which they can not eat “otherwise terrible spell”

They changed a bit the system after the Abraham story, I mean after they stop scarifying their own children “I mean kill ”, and started to cut their..

From that moment, the divided the tribe into two, main ones, one represented in the triangle pointing up words, the good jews, and the other ones represent in the second triangle pointing down, the dominators.

Together they constitute the one system depicted on their flag.

The two are integrating part of the system, which for centuries, have managed to survive by keeping knowledge restricted to age, secrecy and discrimination against non tribal members, and of course, trauma bonding and deception as rule of thumb and engagement all kept together by this simple formula.

Anyhow the system, which worked well when it was kept secret, now exposed by its own genocidal brutality, is going to have to get rid of its sick tween in order to keep up with the time.

In the end, only one triangle or side can exist. “If any”

About India, it is a shame that such nice people also there are being governed by such a unworthy tool of the technocrat and eugenists wef and of its genocidal nut jobs cabal.

Desperation and ignorance and propaganda, pushes people to things they will regret.

Any how just to let you know, Indian dock workers are refusing to load ships heading to the apartheid wannabe state, so please, don’t loose the hope in the good Hindu people.

What is coming out from the depositions of Palestine and of the other countries which have spoke at the International Court of Justice earring, is what we been waiting to ear for decades, “me more than 3”.

The Palestinian sufferings and struggle is now for the first time since the institution of the military occupation of the terrorist apartheid wannabe state on its land in 1933, is plan site for the entire world to see.

The israeli Pandora box is open and all its ghosts are coming out to hunt it.

So much suffering, so much horror, no one can deny.

Gaza have lighten the torch which is now shining the light on the Palestinian cause for life in dignity and peace on their ancestral land.

One more thing, the US have enormous interests and investments in real state in the occupied territories, I read somewhere or watched in some interview trumps’s son in law talking about investments in settlements amounting to 3 billions.

That was at the time of the massacres happening while trump was opening is embassy/casino in Jerusalem.

Any how we stand in solidarity with Palestine and no matter what, we still are thankful for this day, because the Palestine issue is no longer in a closed locker, and the revelations are setting it free.

One more thing I like to share, a short moment which filled me up with joy yesterday, as I was rushing through a shopping center, I saw some boy walking towards me a with the biggest smile looked at as if I had made him happy, than I looked down and I realized he was happy to have seen some one wearing a Palestinian flag.

I too was happy

Freedom dignity and prosperity for Palestine

Thank you for sharing.

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India (?):

Is quite literally infested with Neo NAZIS racists/fascists. Their new PM is raging ethnic racist (hates Muslims, Sikhs , and strangely enough (?)..JEWS.

He doesn’t consider ISRAEL to be (???):

A nation OF Jews:

He KNOWS who and WHAT they ARE.

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everyboeverybody killing everybody ,,, perfect satanic storm in hell,,, satan laughing at our heavenly Father the good God... dear God of goodness please help us all return to goodness and truth ..." all men and women of " good will " unite ..." lets put aside all our differences ...

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Feb 21, 2024
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No the fuck he wasn’t!

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Feb 20, 2024
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It’s shameful what they are doing to their own brothers whilst being fully aware that Israelis will eventually come for their lands, too.

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That part surprised me, then quickly I remembered to follow the money. They give lip service in front of their people, but behind the microphone they're hypocritical greedy horrible human beings.

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