Aug 3Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

The one positive outcome is that the people of the world now see the truth, we can clearly see the ugly twisted face of a barabaric and genocidal Zionist Israel, we can see and only marvel at the strength, courage and dignity of the Palestinian people, we see the hideous, snide, callous hypocrisy of the US led West and we realise just how many of our institutions, including sporting and cultural bodies are wholly under the control of the West. #FreePalestine

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Aug 2Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Since it's inception Israel has never had any intention of conceding one inch to Palestinians' reasonable demands for justice. The Zionists have stuck to this policy even though it has completely failed in it's aim to deliver security to the Israel state. No wonder their desperation is reaching terrifying heights.

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Aug 2Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Israel is treated the same way the US is. Both countries break international law on the regular and get away with it.

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Aug 2Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Treating the racist, genocidal ZioNazi entity any different would amount to .... yep, the favorite cliché of theirs, anti-Semitism. 🤣

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Aug 3·edited Aug 3Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

This is not only the art of pretending to make a deal, it is the darkest art of deliberate slow cruel demented torture by unspeakably sick sub-human beings in USIsrael in lockstep. And all the governments of the Western countries taking part (by sending weapons and making staggeringly exorbitant profits) and their fear of what will happen to THEM by the U.S. and the global military corporate/banking Powers That Be Elite if they finally found the courage and humanity and compassion to stand up and say STOP, NOT IN MY NAME! I can hardly find words, only tears, outrage and continuous heartbreak for the terror, death and destruction our brothers and sisters are enduring in Gaza/Palestine. 10 months!!! without counting all the brutal years since 1948 and before!!!!!!!!!!

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Aug 3Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Very well said. It's unbearable and insane.

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Aug 2Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Great article.

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Aug 2Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Well said.

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Aug 3Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Well said!

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Africa is kicking out its colonizers, when will the Middle East unite to kick out theirs?

In solidarity we stand



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Thanks and -- why Trump will likely lose in 2024:

The US bipartisan criminal War party is financed by same Big Business donors. DNC is led by intelligence agencies and organized crime.

GOP is led by religious lunatics and evangelical Zionists – the reason why Trump will likely lose 2024 election.

The genocide in Gaza is a USA genocide (Israeli Nazis are “just” the executioners) – the whole horrified world knows it. And – that each and all paid and bought member of Congress/Senate has an AIPAC babysitter.

Whatever one thinks of Alex Jones – he has prophetic grasp and vision, a la William Blake – here is the latest: “Evangelical Zionists Pushing the World Into Armageddon -- For many American Christians, it will always be Israel First.”


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Oh yeah, you'll find Jones next to William Blake in most well-read libraries. Jesus Fucking Christ!

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Try to think before going to keyboard...

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Greg Reese is an insane conspiracy theorists. But yes the Christian Zios' insanity is pushing the GOP's embrace of genocidal izrahell.

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....an interesting contradiction -- all true but author is an "insane conspiracy theorist" - an epithet after all that we have learned is becoming a compliment ;-))

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What you say here is true. What Reese is spouting is mind-numbingly absurd. And btw, fewer humans is exactly what our precious planet and its myriad of non-human lifeforms needs to survive.

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The video was excellent - regardless who made it.

All other complaints take to Mr. Reese ;-))

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The key part is having Blinken playing the “Goebbels” role for you: pretending to be a mediator and endlessly spreading propaganda about how earnest you are and in need of “help”….while you commit mass murder on an industrial scale.

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After the Zios walk away

"Like we're gonna pay any attention to this fucking Schvartze"

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