Thank you for your reporting, this seems like it will be the impetus for an awful and tragic war, I can't imagine things can get better before they get worse

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Yeah, looks like we are in for a bad time.

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This is following the playbook for colonialists in terminal decline: as they get more and more desperate, they resort to more and more horrific tactics. And it does not work in the end. They will have to succumb to the rights that are common to all humanity and dont belong to only a few selectively .

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The terrorist state of Isra-hell on earth must be dismantled. It’s full of garbage that can’t be recycled. There isn’t any material worth saving.

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May the Fourth Reich be Ezekiel 9ed. The Judeo-Nazi criminal syndicate has zero right to exist.

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Thanks for that screenshot ridiculous statement. Added to my "Why l don't watch the BBC anymore" garbage pail

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