This not normal… we are all SICK FROM GENOCIDE committed by this US-Israeli settler colonial mentality of impunity from any responsibility for their hideous criminal activity…

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Join the Doctors Against Genocide zoom session … this morning 8-11amPT 1.6.2025.

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Though the first Doctors against Genocide zoom session was almost three hours long … it was all presented with fierce urgency and with minimal technical issues… it was a call to action!…

I don’t know what happened the next day… but it felt quite chaotic and deliberately sabotaged…and lasted just over an hour…at least on my end.

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These zionist demons are evil and depraved beyond imagination. I cannot believe that anyone whose ancestors suffered in the way they claim could ever inflict such pain, suffering and death on anyone else. Which leads me to question the veracity of that narrative. No, do not dare to throw the “antisemetic” label at me. This is the question that everyone has. The elephant in the room. And it must be addressed and examined. I and many others now question the holocaust narrative that was “interpreted” for us, but not by us. More zionist lies and manipulation? I am beginning to think so.

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What is most horrible, and just beginning to come out, is what was left out of the holocaust narrative: How Zionists betrayed other Jews to the Nazis to get safe passage and even blocked Jewish children seeking refuge from being accepted into Britain (because it might hurt the "Cause"). Or US Zionists blocking them from being given food and aid. What we are seeing is both monstrous and a terribly twisted historical repeat. This article in the Electronic Intifada is worth reading:


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For so many years most were afraid to question or to challenge this narrative. We just swallowed it for fear that we would be called “antisemetic” if we didn’t. Well, I am not afraid. I believe in truth. This flawed narrative MUST be examined in depth so that we may know the truth. I suspect that parts of it are NOT true, or have been embellished, exaggerated and/or mis characterized. If what we have been told IS true, then examining it, probing the supposed facts and asking questions should not be a threat to anyone.

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Yes exactly. It is not a threat to anyone ready, capable and willing to know the deeper, complex truths that are ricocheting to this tragic day.

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Historical repeat is correct.

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There was no such thing, it's just a Jewish lie! According to the Red Cross, 278,000 Jews died in the concentration camps. Of typhus and old age.

They had a theater, cinema, sports field, swimming pool, orchestra, medical care, etc.! They don't do this to those they want to kill. In fact, they kill those they want to kill on the spot, they don't make them travel, and they feed and water them until then!

Moreover, the crematorium was only built after the war by Soviet Jews to help them deceive the world... And of course, they found no mass graves or anything that would indicate genocide...

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I don't know how much of this is true. I don't doubt that the holocaust happened because I personally know too many Jewish people I respect who lost large parts of their families in the concentration camps. And I trust the lived experiences of truth tellers such as Gabor Mate and Norman Finkelstein. But there is no question that the holocaust has been weaponized, and clinging to one's identity as a perpetual victim with a scarlet V on one's chest and indoctrinating little children with this identity via scary horror stories which instills fear and hatred of the Other is sick and breeds the paranoia and atrocities we are seeing, especially when combined with greed (for land, oil, resources, domination, profit....).

Most populations of the world have probably been victims at one historical time or another. I am of Celtic descent and when the Romans invaded Gaul and Britain some have said out of 3 million plus Celts about 1 million were killed and another million enslaved. But I've never identified as a victim and the sense of being tribal is long gone. Humanity and our Mother Earth can no longer afford those regressive identities - Tribalism/Ultra Nationalism and Perpetual Victimhood - which lie at the root of "Divide and Conquer" and of thinking one has the right to kill, steal, rape and plunder for profit what is not ours. That time is passing - it has to for the survival of our planet. But it is tragic and so terribly heartbreaking to witness those retrogressive forces thrashing out and destroying so much good, so much beauty, so much precious Life, as they go down!

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Just to clarify one thing. In speaking about tribalism, I am not meaning there shouldn't be the very natural love and ancestral respect for one's roots, one's people/tribe and the cultural stream that has made us who we are. Those are precious ties. I'm speaking to the "ism" in tribal'ism," as a set or hardened identity that keeps us separated and unable to perceive our greater connection to all of Humanity and the recognition that we are all brothers and sisters who have been given our particular gifts and place on Earth to tend, to steward. That respect for where we come from and who we authentically are is our doorway into the greater Human family. The lack of basic respect, which connects with all the distortions of truth in the harsh and colonized MSM, the brutal actions and toxic atmosphere we and our children are surrounded with by the Powers That Be is shocking, dehumanizing and meant to confuse and close our minds and harden our hearts to the terrible suffering we are witnessing daily.

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Jan 6Edited

I am against all forms of violence, but unfortunately there are those who only understand violence. The Earth is ours, and we must put an end to the violence and suffering that has been going on on the planet for thousands of years. This can only be achieved by coming together, but few see and know that we are all one. That is why we have been divided by religions, languages, lies, and deception, because those who usurp power over us know that if we knew the truth, they would no longer have power over us. We would unite against them... By the way, there are documents about what I wrote about the Jewish Holocaust. Unfortunately, I don't speak English, I only write with a translator, so I can't explain it in more detail or link to it.

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Thank you Ida. Yes, it's a dilemma today about the violence, which especially accelerated in the last 3,000 years with the rise of Western Civilization and the rise of large nations/Empires. And as you say, religions, languages, ethnicity, etc. have been deliberately used to divide people via lies and deception. I don't know the answer, but I do see a leap of consciousness and caring happening among millions of people worldwide as a result of the internet and witnessing the violence and cruelty becoming more blatant, self-serving, voracious, out of control, and causing so much terrible suffering as it is with the Palestinians and throughout the Middle East and Africa, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Central America, and on and on. It cannot go on.

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I think the truth must lie somewhere in between.

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Hollywood created the narrative.

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And we know whose hands it is in!

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I am more and more apt to believe this. If you can muster the time, I suggest watching “In the Name of Zion”. Please be warned that it is long and that much of it is a stretch. Still, it brings up some interesting things to consider.

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Thank you, I'll look for it. By the way, there are documents about what I wrote about the Jewish "holocaust". They can be found on the internet. Photos from sports days, band performances, cinema, etc. American newspapers already wrote in 1938 about 6 million Jewish Holocaust victims... Actually, about 3x6 million... At that time, 4.5 million Jews lived in Europe. The richer ones left, many were baptized, many "hid" in agricultural countries, and yet there were 6 million victims... At the end of the war, 3.4 million Jewish camp survivors in the FRG alone asked for compensation! Hundreds of thousands in other countries... When the Soviets approached, the inhabitants of the "death camps" went with the "very cruel and hateful" German camp guards rather than with the Soviet liberators! It is not by chance that research on this issue is prohibited, because after a little thought, everyone would realize that the story does not stop at all!

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I was once a supporter of Israel. Now I truly despise everything about that evil state and the monsters in my own country that aid and abed is it.

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This is so terrible and heartbreaking to hear about this beautiful man - and all the Gazans enduring the unspeakable!!! And not one word about Gaza and all the hospitals destroyed and lives lost, tortured, terrorized, from the American Medical Association except to urge "medical neutrality"!!!!!! Such a deep betrayal by an institution that takes vows to "do no harm." US silencing and complicity is a bottomless pit.

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God this makes me sick. 😖

What is happening to the Palestinian people is a horrible omen for humanity.

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There is no difference between what Israel is doing and what the Nazis did. It's a horrifying example of how evil humans can be trained to be. The US's limitless support and blessing is the reason the Israelis have been able to carry out its heinous actions. The US is therefore guilty of severe crimes against humanity. Of course that's no surprise given that the US has been by far the most murderous and shockingly immoral nation in history.

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What the Zionists are doing is worse than the nazis. It is now questioned whether the nazis did all that they were accused of. Remember, the holocaust narrative was interpreted for us, but not by us. Also remember who still interprets news and media for us.

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Seems a pointless distinction, and unresolvable because we have much more of what the Israelis are doing on camera than we have of what the Nazis did. Neither should be minimized in any way--both are sadistic, genocidal, horrific.

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I'd venture to say that Israel is taking sadism, bestiality and atrocity to a whole other level!

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The Israeli regime is the most evil and barbaric on the planet and on a par with the absolute worst across history. And they are being supported by almost the entirety of the West. I am ashamed of my Government and disgusted by the assembly line of preening pricks in suits defending these monsters.

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Register for Global Vigil :

Sick from Genocide

January 6th 2025…11am ET


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A Story of Resilience: Life as a Refugee in Khan Younis By: Abdulrahman Life can change in the blink of an eye. My family and I lived in Rafah, a simple but fulfilling life. But war has a way of erasing the stability we often take for granted. Today, I find myself in Khan Younis, a refugee in my own country, trying to make sense of a reality I never expected. I am a young man in my twenties, a recent high school graduate. Like many young people my age, I had dreams of pursuing higher education, exploring my potential, and contributing to my community. Unfortunately, these dreams were cut short by circumstances beyond my control. The ongoing conflict has robbed me not only of my home, but also of the opportunity to attend university. Living as a refugee means facing countless challenges. We struggle with scarce resources, overcrowded living conditions, and the constant uncertainty of what tomorrow holds. Yet, amidst these hardships, we cling to hope. We rely on each other for strength, and we find solace in the small details that remind us of our humanity. Education has always been my passion. Despite the obstacles, I spend my time reading, writing, and dreaming of a better future. I believe in the power of words to inspire change, and I hope that sharing my story will shed light on the suffering faced by countless others in similar circumstances. To the world reading these words, I ask for your solidarity and understanding. Refugees are not just numbers; we are individuals with dreams, ambitions, and an unwavering determination to overcome our circumstances. I write this not out of despair, but out of hope. Hope that one day I will return to my home in Rafah. Hope that I will walk the halls of university as a proud student. Hope that together we can build a world where no one has to endure the pain of displacement. Thank you for taking the time to read my story.

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I am so sorry for what we are allowing to happen to you. I’ll be thinking of you, hoping you will go to University one day, and will help lead us to a better world. You are our hope. ❤️

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Thank you for this heroic reporting. I am very grateful.

I am wondering if anyone has noticed the tremendous similarity between the vile actions of the Israelis over the past 75 years and those of the Jewish thugs who carried out the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia over a century ago. It was the Jews who ran the secret police, carried out the torture, and perpetrated the atrocities described by Solzhenitsyn in his classic work "The Gulag Archipelago." It was ethnically the identical people performing the identical crimes. Someone should be writing about this!

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You are implying that there is something uniquely evil about Jews, when the vast, vast majority of the horrors of the last five hundred years and more were carried out by non-Jews, even correcting for population size. It's really important not to slide into bigotry, as that is exactly what is driving what Zionists (the majority of whom are Christian, btw) are doing today.

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Yes. Look deeper. You will find more. No, I am not a conspiracy theorist. But you are right on the money.

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May these Israeli torturers and rapists reap bumper crop after bumper crop of all that they sow!

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The wilful and egregious genocidal activities of the Zionist directed Israeli Defence Force towards Palestinians are so grossly unjust that I cannot find other words to describe them.

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The Devil IsRael

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I keep saying that the Zionists are like Nazis. I'm really being too unkind to the Nazis.

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These kind of atrocities must be brought to the World Court.

And punishment for evil such as this must be harsh indeed.

Humans can't allow other humans to at this way.

That why we say none are above the law.

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One thing we can all do everywhere around the world is refuse to be treated by jewish doctors unless they speak out publicly against Israel. It's time we made it financially painful to the wealthy zionists and their friends who run the West.

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