Classic bullshit cycle from Israel on rinse and repeat. People can't just sit back and pray for people in Palestine they need to push their governments and hit the streets. Govt's need to isolate the US economically. I have recently watched The Palestine Laboratory by a good investigative journalist from Australia aired on Al Jazeera and it gave me some sense (in part) of the creepiest scariest, nasty, oppressive agenda powered by racism and money that the Palestinian people have been struggling with. My heart cannot just break it needs to act. An interview on Upfront with Chris Hedges also made so much sense. The whole world is in for horrendous things if we don't help and take a stand and help stop what is happening in Palestine who are on the frontlines of the worlds nastiest actions. They are showing us how to fight. We need to help in any way we can!

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I think it’s great resistance don’t let themselves to be bullied by the psychos form isnotreal and demand that the ceasefire agreement is not breached.

Btw your text shows clearly why western main stream media never quotes directly what Hamas say or dare to interview the members, because their claims are very respectable and Israel and USA sound even more psychotic in comparison then without.

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Yes, that's why I always make it a point to include the statements of the resistance in my copies. People need to know how rational they are and the reasons why they act the way they do in their own words. People also need to know how much more sense the resistance leaders make in comparison to the slimy ghouls they have to deal with in Israel and the West.

Literally no one broadcasts their voices.

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Yeah, thank you for this. I firstly listened to a conference with Hamas spoke person on Al Jazeera, I’m very grateful for everyone who let resistance voice get to us.

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So true. Thank you for sharing. Lisa Savage (on substack) is also getting the word out, as well as reporting on solidarity direct actions in Maine. "Slimy ghouls" - how appropriate!

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The israelis are completely braindead, even the claim " they have international backing" is just wrong, only that of Amerikkka , nazi germany, england. And what is trump even speaking about? If they want to erase the palestinians those in the middle east will start to erase any thug they get in their hands. Why cant the white colonizers not let the middle east live in peace, why do they have to always steal and kill brown and black people. The west dont want muslims or arabs in their own land living but destroy and steal the land of these people.

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> Why cant the white colonizers not let the middle east live in peace

Oil and gas

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From the point of view of Israel, this was always a no-lose.

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Only thing more influential than lobbyist money is public revolt ringing phones of Members of Congress off the hook.. reelection is their first goal & public pressure the only power we have.

Capitol switchboard can locate Members by zip code & Committee staff take messages too.. brief & polite is best folks who answer phones do not set policy they take messages..

Capitol switchboard 1-202-224-3121

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Elections are a charade, a clown show to distract the sheeple and make them believe their votes count.

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ask anyone that has done business with Trump or Netanyahu if they keep their word. NOT.

Both their brains and words are shite

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This is not just a Netanyahu and a Trump issue. All the Israeli and American leaders are exactly the same. You replace a Netanyahu with a Lapid or a Trump with a Biden and not an iota changes. Same garbage, different label.

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I've been calling and writing to my senator, a democratic, the one who accused Hamas of rape at the beginning of the conflict at the UN, almost 3-4 times a week. It feels like I'm banging my head up against a cement wall, but I'm not giving up. I will keep calling her out and won't be deterred.

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The only hope for ending the Jewish usurpation of Palestine is ending the Jewish usurpation of the USA.

It's the same war against the same enemy.

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Or is Shitrahell the Empire-in-decline's tool to carry out what the latter is aiming for? In exchange, the latter lets the former do whatever takes its fancy, incl. genocide (genocide is cool again) and land theft.

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Trump by wrapping his administration in the Zionist flag will end up destroying any of the good he might have done. I am horrified he is taking such a biased and inhumane stance, siding with genocidal maniacs over the interests of his country and his God.

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Francis, trump is a bigot. He always has been and will continue to be one. Remember the Muslim ban during his first administration? And how he lied about Muslims dancing in the streets when the Twin Towers fell?

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You are amazed? Where were you during Trump's 1st administration when he moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and said the Golan Heights are now "israeli" territory.

Ok, maybe that period is too distant for you, so how about dual passport holder Miriam Adelson donatin $100 million (!!!) to Trump's campaign. Did you think she was just being generous without attaching any strings?

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What is the score on the release of Palestinian prisoners? Hamas has not mentioned it, so does that mean it is on target or does it simply mean it is regarded as a minor issue?

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I didn't get you.

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Do you have any info on the number of Palestinian prisoners released as part of the ceasefire agreement? And if you do, how does the number compare with the number that were supposed to be released.

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Yeah, I have the full list. The Israeli terrorists have abided by the list so far other than a couple of Palestinian hostages refusing to be deported and therefore not being released. There have been some name switches as well. But the numbers have been fine by and large.

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OK, that is what I wanted to know. At least those poor people are getting out.

Thanks for the update.

BTW, notice I have changed my avatar.

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I did notice it. You have done quite a speed run from Soleimani to Hezbollah to Hamas. What's next? Kataib Hezbollah?

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Thanks for your question, it made me realize that I am actually using an avatar that is not quite right.

The Ansar Allah are my real heroes in this episode, so I now use their logo.

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From the moment I heard Troglodyte Tangerine handed credit for securing a "ceasefire" in the concluding presidential days of Vegetocratic Fuhrer, red alerts went off -- *it was duplicitous from the very start.* The conniving Holocausticists will always dialectically fluctuate and outwardly "invert" their pretense to pander one singular bottomless agenda under multiple variations of glittercoated fakery until the endgame is exposed only when it's "too late."

Psst, advanced tip: pay attention also -- perhaps as a "keep in the back of your head" occasional evaluation -- to this supposed tension between the "American ultra-Zionist" and "Vatican anti-Zionist" controlled opposition; at some point Trump reposted a clip from papal asset Jeffrey Sachs calling Mileikowsky an "SOB" which may seem contradictory considering Mango Caesar's close public alliance with Naziyahoo. In reality it's the Jesuits using the Freemasonic "back column" of Orange Bolshevism to fund the very Zionist atrocities the Vatican "front" agents will then come out professing to oppose, Jorge Bergoglio (Pope Francis) being pandered as a human rights champion and vociferous critic of Zionism. 100% absolutely do NOT fall for any duplicity coming from Bergoglio or Sachs in their cynically two-faced co-optation games.

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> papal asset Jeffrey Sachs

Need details, Emmanuel. Please share.

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Alright, it's a slight jarring doozy, but I'll try to sum the crux of the issue best I can... the Jesuit Pope Francis is a close friend of Sachs and a few years ago appointed him to a pontifical academy. (https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/249389/pope-francis-names-jeffrey-sachs-to-pontifical-academy) Sachs is strongly pro-Papacy considering:

- his heaping words of praise for Catholic social teaching as the moral counterpart to "British liberalism" (https://www.ncronline.org/news/jewish-economist-says-catholic-social-teaching-his-moral-compass);

- endorsement of Bergoglio's Laudato Si (https://www.jeffsachs.org/interviewsandmedia/acmkamck8kafcp4ltflt58y9g6d9ab);

- usage of the Catholic duplicitous sugarcoated loaded-term "common good" (https://www.jeffsachs.org/newspaper-articles/8et64plss7wlkkxjg7rzn4efsy8ggp)

Now, don't get me wrong: Sachs is 99-100% correct in his geopolitical analysis when he calls out Anglo-Zionist/American imperialism for what it is. But that is exactly WHY Sachs is so dangerously deceptive: he co-opts criticism of Anglo-American war crimes to pander himself and his papal bosses a valiant moral bulwarks against "American neoconservative Anglo-Liberal right-wing fascistic supremacy" when his own boss Pope Francis is the perditious leading front-man for the Jesuits, Knights of Malta, and papal Black Nobility to push the final global agenda in a most psyop-ridden circumstance of two-faced deception sugarcoated under vain swelling words of glowing promise.

It's no different from how Mehdi Hasan co-opts the broader Palestinian human rights cause to serve his own vested selfish interests. When Zeteo condemns Israeli atrocities and Zionist media bias, those statements themselves aren't incorrect; however, the point is that Mehdi intentionally hijacks these facts to pander himself out as some anti-Zionist "anti-establishment" savior in order to justify a semi-concealed interest i.e. last year's shilling for Ku Klux Kamala.

The global power structure is maliciously sneaky: see, if the exact same party both created the problem AND the "solution," they could risk getting called out and exposed for the duplicity. Instead, the conspirators use separate front organizations, one to create the problem and another manufacturing the false "solution." In the case of Sachs as a duplicitous propagator of a vested clandestine agenda: basically the Jesuit/Knights of Malta axis controls the Anglo-American intelligence agencies and Trump, ordering this Western "neocon warmonger" conglomerate to shamelessly back the Holocaustic Israeli side of the Middle East bloodshed. Then the same Jesuit/Knights of Malta axis sends out Pope Francis and papal-liaised mouthpieces i.e. Jeffrey Sachs to come out at the most perfectly timed moments at a "later" stage to publicly "condemn" Western-financed global crimes so the Francis/Sachs apparatus is pandered to the outside world as supposedly constituting "legitimate and genuine opposition" to the Anglo-Zionist syndicate. This way the oppressed residents of third-world nations are beguiled into lining behind the Roman pontiff imagining him to be a savior and champion of their cause.

And how do I know this? It's because there's a highly two-faced relationship between Sachs and Trump -- in the past Sachs has vociferously as a papal attack dog lambasted Mango Caesar (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hs4Odu0X4Uw) yet just last month Trump reposted Sachs's video insulting Netanyahu (https://archive.is/tCguy), as I mentioned above. Plus, Sachs has increasingly found no problem ingratiating himself into the circles of right-wing charlatans i.e. Tucker Carlson (https://tuckercarlson.com/tucker-show-jeffrey-sachs), and more specifically cannot restrain words of praise for Trump's (Zionist bootlicker) nominee Tulsi Gabbard (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2acdEmD7M6w).

There are a few links I'm hesitant to share too quickly lest they potentially push me over the threshold of tolerance causing the NWO to potentially liquidate my life too soon, but let's just say for right now that the fanatically and shamelessly pro-Zionist Trump/Anglo-American/neocon/Western belligerent "vs." the faux "anti-Zionist" Vatican belligerent on the Holocaust of Palestine is all a theater. The Anglo-American "Christian Zionist" apparatus of Trump is using the Judeonazis to do THEIR dirty work of conquering the West Bank for the neo-Templar Jesuit-Masonic-Maltese interests of "rebuilding" the Temple of Solomon in the place of Al-Aqsa. What will probably happen next is that global Islamic hatred of "the Jews" will become co-opted and consolidated into the Vatican conglomerate, and subsequent to a possible faked "fulfillment" of the bogus "Christian Zionist" theological fantasies, both the "Zionist" West and "anti-Zionist" Papacy will converge into a final unity: a final "papal Zionist" Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem restoring the neo-Templar control over Palestine, both as the Vatican's desired "true Zion" (however in actuality a Satanic earthly kingdom) and also as antithesis to the "Jewish supremacist" flavor of Zionism.

Edit -- appendix details: why would Trump repost a video exposing Mileikowsky while simultaneously *seeming* to be Adolph Jr.'s lackey? The answer here lies in just how cleverly manipulated the middleman stooges are: the "Jewish supremacist" Zionists believe they will be the ones benefited and will manage to use the Christian Zionists as the useful idiots, taking their money and building a Judeonazi theocratic Kabbalistic kingdom as the "true Zion." Meanwhile the Christian Zionists view THEMSELVES as the masters who are using the "Jewish supremacist" Zionists as the useful idiots, sending money to the nazijew settlers to instigate unending war with its Arab neighbors and create Armageddon.

So in actuality, which side is manipulating which? It's the Christian Zionists who in the global hierarchy are placed above the "Jewish supremacist" Zionists. However, these "Protestant" Christian Zionists are themselves tricked at the lower rankings by the Jesuits because in reality the entire path of "dispensationalism" is a centuries-planned psyop to lead Protestants on a creeping path into Catholicism.

The "Jewish supremacist" flavor of Zionism is the culmination of Jesuits succeeding in brainwashing the Jews into incriminating themselves at an en masse level so the subsequently justified global hatred of the majority of the "Jewish" community will become cynically co-opted by the Jesuit ultramontanist/Catholic-supremacist theocrats to justify their own final agenda of a "restored Christian kingdom."

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The leaders of the World are failing Palestinians😞Steadfast people for Freedom❤️❤️❤️

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Yep. I always ask the question "how would those "leaders" react if just a tiny fraction of the crimes committed against the Palestinians would have been committed against Jews?".

I never get an answer because everyone knows we would be in WW3, so people prefer to not answer my question and move on to the order of the day.

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