Jan 10Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

I cannot turn away. I will not turn away. Ibrahim should be here, with his entire family, living joyfully.

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Ibrahim and the thousands of other children Israel has killed mercilessly.

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Feb 14Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

What is happening in Gaza and what happened Ibrahim and your family is unspeakable in its horror. I pray that somehow you can find some space in your life that is not filled with sorrow. I read your story and that of others determined to not look away.

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Jan 10Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

No words can ever console this loss, this sorrow. But hearts can hold it all in.

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Jan 22Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

There are no words to describe what this does to a soul.

Your precious child is now in the arms of THE compassionate and The Merciful. May God watch over you and grant you peace and safety in a new place ; Far, far away from this one.

Get out while you still can. Take refuge and start over. You must survive and grow strong.

Your people will have a home to call your own. Live for that day.

Peace be upon you!

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Jun 26Liked by Palestine Will Be Free

Heartbreaking. May those who unleash such horror on the innocent reap what they sow

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Ibrahim is at peace now,Cherish the time you had together! I am so sorry for your Loss and the loss of the thousands of other Palestinians Murdered by Netanyahu and his Zionist Friends. Although I am not Muslim, I Pray your God give you Peace and this atrocious mass Murder/ Genocide committed by Israel is punished by the ICJ,ICC and their own God. May Your God Grant you Peace and Happiness.

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😭 Ibrahim. 💔💔

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