I feel weird being a Jew and loving this content. I'm tired of pretending there's anything acceptable about Israel, though.

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Bless you Immensely brother ❤️

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Time to renounce your Judaism entirely?

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I'm not a practicing Jew, but I am ethnically Jewish because my parents are Jews. I feel it's important to stress that there are Jews who oppose the apartheid settler colony of Israel.

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> ... there are Jews who oppose the apartheid settler colony of Israel.

Sure, but has not ever stopped Nazi Talmudland from what it does best: stealing land, waging war on women, children, the elderly, the hospitalized, and spinning it all to try to appear as being the victim.

So, when you call it " the apartheid settler colony of Israel" you are in effect comparing it with former apartheid South Africa, a country which did not even come close in its apartheid to what Nazi Talmudland is doing.

Furthermore, you ignore the genocidal side of sewer.

Sorry if I hurt you with my harsh words, but that is the only way to describe the place that should not even exist.

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I'm not ignoring the "genocidal side", I've been calling out Israeli genocide since before the Hamas attack in 2023. I'm not at all offended at people saying Israel should not exist, if that's what you mean. I think removing Israel would be the ideal solution to the problems of the Middle East, but I don't know if it's feasible after 75 years.

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God bless Yemen!

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Amen 🙏🏽❤️

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Thanks for the summary. The disgusting, genocide-enabling corporate propaganda outlets are never going to publish a truthful analysis like this.

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That's very kind of you, Stephen. Thank you.

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Back to the bomb shelters for the princes of this world.

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The princes? You must be joking, they are the self-appointed Chosenites.

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Oh, when sarcasm gets wasted...

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The Yemenis are so brave and upstanding. They are doing what EVERY country should be doing.

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Now THAT is a true statement. According to international law, each and every country has the obligation to do all it can to prevent and/or stop the genocide.

Unfortunately, it is not just the AngloSaxonZioNazi-led imperialist block that does not do anything, most of the rest of the wrold, incl. Russia and China, is staying on the sidelines.

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This applies tom ALL combatants: "...as ye sew, so shall ye reap..."

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They're being bombarded by the US and the UK. As if they haven't suffered enough.

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Glory to Ansarallah! 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇾🇪🇾🇪🇾🇪

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The Houthis are truly my heroes. Taking on and defeating the entire genocidal West!!!

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of all the stacks I subscribe to, yours is without my go to for facts about what is happening on the ground. Yours is the only stack where I can get to feel the breadth of support across the middle east and I especially like seeing the footage you clip in. I cannot afford to support you financially, but I do outwardly and morally. Keep up the good work and keep safe.

By the way, the genocide is pausing (in the UK media) for christmas so I shall have more time to read substack and not have to rely on our fantastically unbiased reporting.

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That's very kind of you, Tony. Really appreciate it. Hopefully, I will have more stuff for you to read during the UK media's Christmas break. I am sure no one will miss anything of importance while those hacks are away.

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Go get 'em, boys! ❤️ 🇾🇪 ❤️🇵🇸🔻🔻🔻

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The axis of genocide with all their technological savagery for industrial scale genocide coming up short in the Red Sea to one of the poorest countries in the world talking a moral stand against their western barbarism has been like the UN, ICJ, ICC, and Amnesty one of the few bright spots this year. Thanks for the sobering update.

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Thank you for this excellent article! Yemen should be the example for all the countries to emulate. The pernicious behavior of the US and Europe to support the disgusting state of israHELL on earth is infuriating. The resistance stands against all odds! 💪🇾🇪❤️❤️🇵🇸❤️❤️

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