A great story- thanks for sharing this. It's staggering that all the so-called western world continues to enable this and arm the Israelis in committing these crimes and murder over so many decades.

By the way, a notable dissident in the west who was vilified for standing up for Palestine, and even lost his job for it - won a big battle in court this past week:


Ex-Villa winger El Ghazi wins case against Mainz

by Nizaar Kinsella, BBC Sport football news reporter

Published 12 July 2024

I hope this will give many more people in the public eye, the courage to stand up and visibly reject this regime of mass murder that evil people are attempting to normalise in this world.

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Thank you.

I wrote about the El Ghazi case when Mainz fired him here: https://palestinewillbefree.substack.com/p/firing-footballer-banning-protests

Glad to know he won the ridiculous case.

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What a story... reminds me of the old saying, "except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." (Matt. 18:3)

The Western Anglo-Zionist effort to dehumanize the Palestinian people as "antisemitic"/"Nazi" is truly a projection of the highest order. I've recently been sparring with a *former* friend (I can't consider him a friend anymore) who's a fanatical Zionist defender, and his chief talking point is the Arab-Nazi canard. That typical Zionist apparatus has a major gaping problem: they can't explain exactly *why* the Arabs supposedly became "antisemitic" after centuries of tolerating the Jews far, far better than the European "Christians" did. What the Zionists refuse to admit is that they spout the exact same propaganda as modern neo-Nazis: whether it's Zionists comparing Palestinians to Nazis to dehumanize Palestinians or neo-Nazis co-opting pro-Palestinian protests, it's the *EXACT SAME* narrative being pushed from two "opposite" directions, namely this absurdly, dangerous false equivocation between Arabs and Nazis. Now, if we take a step back and look at the history of the British-controlled B'nai B'rith/AJC (and the ADL is a subsidiary of B'nai B'rith) apparatus that was used as a "proxy" to shift the thinking of Jewry from anti-Zionism to Zionist racism, then the odds would seem equally high that Anglo-Masonic/Illuminist agent provocateurs -- amidst the fomenting of political Zionist terrorism -- were the ones who incited antisemitism in the Arab world. Long story short, the idea here is that the Arabs clearly were tricked into believing that Hitler was helping them stop "Jewish Zionists," when in reality the real collusion was between the Nazis and Zionists. And it was the Zionist movement which was (and still is) *actually* akin to Nazi ideology, even endorsing racialist pseudoscience!

Given the decent values of the Palestinian people I've seen in these months contrasted with the sheer Herodianism of the Naziopolist Fourth Reich shills, I absolutely refuse to subscribe to Zionist propaganda anymore despite years of mindless right-wing brainwash. As an oddly consistent rule of thumb, every Zionazi accusation is a confession.

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> What the Zionists refuse to admit is that they spout the exact same propaganda as modern neo-Nazis

It is understandable that they refuse to admit it because, as ZioNazis, they are the mirror image of their Nazi brethren, whom, in their feverish work at emulating, they have now surpassed.

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Yeah, and that's why the Naziopolist establishment went into a furious panic when Ken Livingstone cited Lenni Brenner. They seldom if ever addressed anything specific Brenner documented, which clearly is factual; they just unleashed whataboutisms and ad hominem.

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It is the same with all the ZioNazis: they cannot refute any facts they get confronted with so they use the following tactics:

1. deflection

A. whataboutism, as you mentioned

B. ad hominems, as you mentioned, and they use those generously

2. their nuke option: anti-Semitism, yay!!

They never ever address the issue.

Unfortunately for them, tactic 1 is weak, while since 7 Oct 2023 they have used tactic 2 to justify the Palestinian genocide so people have started to wise up about the anti-Semitism trope, which has lost a lot of its power.

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this juxtaposition is so well done. its the kind of truth that is so painful & beautiful at the same time 😭. may Refaat Alareer rest in peace & power

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Thank you, amba.

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witnessed this at a protest yesterday. The small group of genocide apologists waving blue stars, union jacks and stars n strips were just there to antagonize anyone willing to engage with their sickness. Unironically gathering around the Churchill statue they spent their time attempting to goad people into confrontations so they could cry victim. There was even one pasty lookin' fella, about 6'3" gingery blond hair wearing a dark suit pretending to be a member of the gen pop who on multiple occasions ran up to the police with false accusations in a sad attempt at getting people arrested. I would guess that many of these people are on the pay roll and have had training as agent provocateurs. Their dark art being to say the most unreal and outlandish lies that ones mind is fogged for a time before regaining a sense of reality. If this little gaggle of Israeli supporters is anything to go by then i shudder to think what the rest of them are like...

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Can you share the name of the play viewed on Holocaust Remembrance Day? This is a very unsettling anecdote that highlights what we see to be the case via the present "live-streamed" genocide aided and abetted by the West.

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I don't read Hebrew unfortunately, but if you go to 1:40:58 in the video I linked in the article (https://youtu.be/rTRsnoAmgjc?si=IZCZbF7MRXxu3uvZ&t=6058), Sheen has, what I believe is, the poster of the play up on the screen.

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Thank you. Powerful, literary, gutting exploration of present day verities.

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An amazing compilation of illustrative evidence of the stunning lack of empathy. Thank you for sharing!

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Wow thanks for turning us on to what David Sheen is reporting. I was aware of the racist anti miscegenation edicts of apartheid in Israel but Sheen makes it real and more American, think Loving V Virginia 1967, with the characters responsible. And what a contrast with Refaat, teaching empathy for the downtrodden in an apartheid state.

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Thank you for sharing the truth which mainstream hides.

Here my latest one


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A curse on Israel.

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Refaat made 1 huuuuuge mistake: instead of teaching English literature, he should have taught "israeli" literature — oops, I forgot, there is no such thing. Still, there is always Haaretz, Maarive or anyone of those ZioNazi rags that he could have used as a literature "source".

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The peace of Christ in the reign of Christ.

All religions that aren't worshipping Jesus Christ as God are not worshipping God.

And Blessed Virgin Mary is being rejected as Mother of Jesus, Mother of God.

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Most Muslims and Jews will soon convert I think.

Mary will bring peace.

This has to stop

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Mary never brought any peace anywhere, so she won't this time either, she has a poor track record, to put it mildly.

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Humanity has a poor track record.

Mother of God has delivered. Lepanto, Lourdes, Fatima. Over 2000 . you have not sought Her. Pitiful condition

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You are deflecting, baby, your prior comment was about peace, now you deflect to delivering people. 🤣

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I'm saying Mary has delivered Results. Look up Lepanto.

On paper, we should have been defeated.

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Don't think, it's above your pay grade, obviously.

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And you've spent ZERO time on tjis.

Invincible ignorance one thing, wilful laziness and pride another

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Fatima. Saint Louis Dr Montfort. Genesis 3:15

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The bible was written by a bunch of grass smoking village elders waiting to die so they compiled some fairy tales interlaced with very few facts. In the course of time those fairy tales were changed many times for religious and political expediency.

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The amount of evidence saying otherwise is staggering

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🤣 yeah, like what? Your main man Jesus walking on water? Or Jonah who lived in a whale? 🤣

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That is the most intolerant religious attitude that is on a par with the intolerant Talmudic Judaism the world has witnessed. You call yourself a Christian? 🤣

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Talmudic Judaism are our greatest persecutors. They control Vaticsn, false popes since 1958, falsebishops in union with them virtually every one.

Satan set up to destroy us, and very nearly did. WHAT A COMPLIMENT😂😂😂😂😅✌

But Catholic Church will be exalted

Anyone want catechism lessons?

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It seems there aren't any takers for your bunk lessons. 🤣

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We are in agreement on this. It's great apostasy, and darkness is almost complete. Because Catholic Church is almost dead.

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Only Catholics are Christian.

Toleration of evil, errors Ain't a virtue

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That is an evil statement in and of itself, typical from hypocrites.

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Protestants, un Orthodox, people in union with Francis (under direct control of Talmudic Judaism, freemasonry) don't get to say:

I believe in Jesus and will accept 90% or 60per cent of what He revealed and get to call themselves Christian.😂😂😂😅

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They get to call themselves: Heretics or Schismatics or Apostates.

Francis and not a few of his buddies IDOLATORS.

FUN times await😂😂😂😅😅

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You believe in the same Jesus that claims he walked on water. Or was it some of his grass smoking followers who were seeing a mirage? 🤣

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The Gospel writers wrote it.

Apostles were present

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Please explain. I really want you to tell your thoughts.

Do you believe in objective reality?

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What do you mean?

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Up thread a bit - you said my statement was evil. How so?

Objective reality - there are some things that are real, true, and not subject to opinion.

God , one God, exists, Jesus founded Catholic Church, Francis is not Catholic and not pope etc are objective realities

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Only Catholic Church founded by Jesus

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Jesus did not found any church, the Catho church was founded after he died.

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All His prophecies being fulfilled. Same with Our Lady of Fatima

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🤣 Albert Pike made better prophesies than your main man: Ap accurately prophesied WW1 and WW2.; he has also prophesied WW3 and even if that does not happen, he still has a better track record than your flying/water walking guru.

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Our Lady of Fatima prophesied a great war (ww2) among other things if Consecration not done - including3rd Secret which apparently was about Great apostasy.

Freemasons do know much. No freaking doubt

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Pentecost. 9 days after His Glorious Ascension.

So after His Resurrection..

33 AD

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Ah yes, another fairy tale: miraculously rising up into the sky. Tell you a secret if you promise not to tell anyone else: pigs can fly 😉

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He had many Public miracles. Thousands. Never challenged by people living then in Jerusalem.

Some might not have been public.

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Talmudic Judaism justifies abominations against natural law.

Please cite one Catholic teaching against justice.

Note, false popes since 1958 espouse teachings from hell, are enemies of Catholics that remain.

Jews and their lap dogs in Vatican are greatest persecutors of Holy Mother Church.

If we had a Pope he would have many forceful things to say about MURDERED CHILDREN

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Your pope can't say anything about murdered children since his underlings abused children, and probably killed many too, for years. So he risks a pot/kettle rebuke.

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And non pope non Catholic Francis might have abused them too.

Abused? It's RAPE

Check this video out



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We don't have a pope

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Youre not paying attn

Catholics have not had Pope since 1958. We don't control vatican, diocese

Huge child rape scandals, 1970 under Jews (freemasonty, commies).

Child molesters deserve death

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